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Nothing can happen more beautiful than death. 

I looked through and through my wardrobe, finding something awesome to wear. I wanted to look casual, but make an impression at the same time. I picked out a red collared shirt, tucked into a black skirt with a polka dot jumper over the top. I added gold jewellery and gold studded high tops.  ( I put my phone into my red backpack along with my red lipstick and some girly supplies and headed out the door.

 As I walked up the drive towards the door, it swung open suddenly, revealing a slightly flustered Luke. His face had a look of anxiety and he had his hand in his hair. He was scratching ferociously through his hair and shaking slightly.

'Luke...? Are you... Alright?' I asked, gently resting my hand onto his shoulder. He was shaking uncontrollably.

'N-n-no...' His pupils shrunk and his body started to sway. This only meant one thing. I bustled up to him, grabbing him as he fell, making sure he didn't hurt himself. I slowly guided him into the lounge and sat him down.

'Put your head in between your legs and breath nice and steady for me, Luke.' I instructed. His head sunk in between his legs and he started breathing consistently. Good job I took those first aid courses last summer.

'Right, Luke, I'm going to get a bowl just in case you vomit and I'm going to get a flannel and some cold water. If you feel any worse, call my name out, okay?' I said, gently rubbing him on the back. I saw a shy nod from his head and I headed towards the kitchen. I rifled through the cupboard and found a plastic bowl, along with a clean cloth. I ran the cloth under the cold tap and went back to nurse Luke.

'Here's the bowl, just in case. I don't want you ruining the carpet,' I chuckled lightly, placing the bowl in between his legs, just under his head, 'And I'm just going to put this cold cloth onto your neck to calm you down.' As I placed the cloth on his neck, he flinched at the coolness of it.

'C-can I have a gla-lass of water p-please?' Luke whispered, breathing slowly.

'Course you can, I'll be right back. Keep breathing deeply for me, okay?' I wandered back into the kitchen and saw Beau.

'Hey, Alex! You're e-' He started.

I cut him off. 'I can't talk right now. Luke's had some kind of anxiety attack and I'm just trying to see to him at the moment.' I ran the cold water into a mug, carefully carrying it back into the lounge. Beau followed, leaning down next to Luke.

'Here you are, gentle sips now.' I said, soothingly as I handed him the cup. I rubbed his back as he continued sipping and breathing slowly. 

'What happened?' Beau asked, starting to get a bit hysterical.

'Beau, calm down.' I instructed, looking into his eyes sternly. He sat down next to me on the couch, looking at me with worry.

'So what happened?' He asked, looking over at Luke, the look of pure worry in his eyes.

'Well, I walked up to your house and the door flung open. Luke looked really flustered and I asked if he was alright, then he fainted or something and now we're here.' I explained, handing Luke the water.

'So will he be okay?' Beau asked, taking my hand and squeezing it. 

'We'll see,' I turned back to Luke, 'Now, Luke, when you feel like you're ready, sit up very slowly for me.' I took the cloth from his neck and he sat up carefully, rubbing his eyes.

He hugged me and mouthed a 'thank you.' His eyes shone and my heart panged. I loved the satisfactory feeling after giving someone first aid. It was like a mini accomplishment that pleased me.

'Are you feeling any better?' I asked, placing my hand onto his. His fingers folded up onto my hand and he smiled at me.

'Definitely, but I'm hungry now...' He frowned, looking around the room. As I got up to put everything away, Beau's hand didn't leave mine. Weird. He was staring at me, lust lining his eyes. Even Weirder.

'Um... Beau, you okay there?' I asked, chuckling uncomfortably. 

'...Yeah, yeah...' He trailed off, still staring.

'Alright then.' I muttered under my breath, gathering the bowl, the cloth and the empty mug. As I made my way to the kitchen, Beau followed me closely behind.

'Beau, seriously, what are you doing?' I asked, getting angry all of a sudden.

'You just look... so damn nice...' His arms snaked around my hips and he pulled me closer to his body.

'Beau...' I started, but before I could finish my sentence, his lips were attached to mine.

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