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'I... Uh... I um...' Tears pricked my eyes. I've never felt so embarrassed in my whole life.

'I'm very disappointed in you... I never thought you were that type of person.' I shot a look at Beau, my face screaming red.

'Oh really? And what kind of person am I?' I was pissed now. I saw laughter in his eyes, the seriousness subsiding as he cracked a smirk. I smiled back and gave him a hug.

'You look fine in anything you wear, you don't have to dress up for me.' I whispered in his ear, pulling away and walking downstairs, careful not to trip over my own feet.

'Fuck, man! What the hell was that?!' Luke screamed from the living room.

'Language, Luke! Fiver in the pot, please.' Gina called in. A few minutes later a grumbling Luke stomped into the kitchen and shoved a 5 dollar note into an overflowing swear jar. I giggled to myself and went over to help Gina with the drinks.

'Y'know, Beau's been a completely different person since you told him about your illness.' Gina smiled sadly, almost sympathetically. I ignored it.

'I didn't realised he told you...' I mumbled, feeling vulnerable.

'Oh, but don't worry, the other boys don't have to know.' She winked at me.

'Okay, yeah, he took it surprisingly well. I mean, he didn't get as far away from me as humanly possible like my exes have done in the past. I'm glad I've got this family as my little support network.' I flashed a smile at Gina, hugging her waist.

'You're welcome anytime. You're the nicest girl he's ever brought home to me.' She winked, bumped the cutlery drawer shut with her hip and carrying the Milo's into the lounge.

'No more XBox now, Lukey, we have a guest.' Gina instructed. Luke turned off the XBox, rolled his eyes at me and slumped on the sofa.

'So what's happening tonight again?' Luke asked.

'I'm having an operation and Beau has kindly said he'll take me there. I think... well, I hope... it'll go smoothly.' I suddenly felt shy and vulnerable. I'd always been alone or with my mum when this kind of thing had to be done. I never invited my friends; they'd get grossed out and run away.

'You okay?' I felt a hand on the small of my back. The warm familiar feeling made me relax and come out of my thought bubble.

'I'm good.' I sighed, leaning slightly against Beau, feeling his body take my weight.

'Then you won't mind me doing this.' Beau turned me around, pulling me into a hug. He brought his mouth close to my ear, his hot erratic breath tickling my ear. 'You'll be fine. I know you will.' I smiled, kissing his cheek and walking out the door.


'How long does this take?' Beau whined, staring intently at the clock in my room.

'It takes quite a long time, Brooks. Just be patient.' I mocked his whining tone. In return, I got a glare. Charming.

'Are you feeling any better?' He asked, shifting his body so he was facing me.

'Yeah, it feels a lot lighter now.' I chuckled. I coughed and spluttered, instantly regretting laughing. Beau raced to my side, propping my pillows up and setting me down, tucking my covers in. I've never felt so safe, so secure, so at home with a guy before. I think we were going to be with each other for a long time, even if it wasn't official yet.

Beau took my book from the portable table and reading the blurb.

'Here, let me read it to you.' I offered, taking my book and opening to my bookmarked page. Beau leaned closer to me, resting his head on his hand.

'It is a truth universally acknowledged,' I started, 'that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

'However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.

'"My dear Mr. Bennet," said his lady to him one day, "have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?"

Mr. Bennet replied that he had not.

"But it is," returned she; "for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it."'

When I looked up, Beau's eyelids were shut, his head lolling on the back of the seat, a string of dribble hanging from his mouth. I pushed my red button. A nurse came into the room to change my catheter and check my blood pressure. She gave me a mug of herbal tea and asked about Beau.

'Could you get him a blanket and a pillow please? He's out cold.' I winked at the nurse and she trotted off. I leaned over my bed and kissed his forehead lightly. He stirred slightly, managing to wipe the dribble away and close his mouth. The nurse tucked him into the make shift bed and turned the lights down in the room. I moved my pillows down and settled in, watching Beau for a while longer, before my eyelids grew heavy and sleep overcame me.


'Al, Al, Al, Al wake up or I'll eat your breakfast. Al!' A familiar voice rang through my ears. I pulled my eyelids away from each other, the brightness of the room taking my breath away.

'I'm awake, I'm awake...' I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

'You can come home after you've eaten.' Beau said, excitedly. I emptied the small box of cornflakes into the plastic bowl, drowning them in milk and scooping and eating as fast as my body could. I wanted to get out of here. I had a funny tingle in my chest, but I knew it was the usual feeling after having the tube removed.

'You look like an angel when you sleep.' I almost dropped my spoon. I looked up with wide eyes.

'Did you literally just say that?' I asked, my mouth wide open.

'Yeah, I did.' Beau wiggles his eyebrows, making me laugh.

'Just you wait until I get out of here...' I laughed, shaking my head and finished my breakfast. A nurse came to take away my breakfast tray. Another nurse, more abrupt this time, came and took my water gun out of my hand and got rid of the wires and the beeping all around me. I was free. Free.

Beau and I ran down the corridors and out the door, hand in hand, running towards his car. I slammed his body against the side of the car, grinding myself against him. He moaned under my touch. I had him just where I wanted him.

'What are you doing?' He asked, his breathing rapid and his hands all over me.

'I told you you'd get it...' I whispered seductively into his ear, running my hands down and under his jumper, feeling his rock hard abs. I kissed his ear lobe and peeled myself away from him and jumping into the car. That stung him. He got into the drivers side and looked confused the whole car journey home.

'I'll see you soon, Beau Brooks.' I yelled after him as he walked into his house.

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