Natsu's Surprise

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Natsu's POV
I got Mira to find out the date Luce's mother passed away and sadly it's on are anniversary but it gave me and great surprise for her. I went to the headmaster or gramps since he treats us as his own children anyway I went to talk to gramps and got permission to leave for three days but we have to come back as soon as possible. Which made me overjoyed to have this surprise for Luce plus I get to meet Luce's mom in a way. On the same day I got permission I told Luce to pack her bag enough for three days as for me i went to get are pills since my clothes were already packed. We left right away with spare money from Mira and even my parents since I told them about Luce and how I couldn't wait to have her meet them and little Wendy. I was practically jumping the while way to the train station holding Luce's hand which made this even harder to believe this is real to have a girl like her.
Luce's POV
Today's the day before Natsu and I's anniversary but also my mom's anniversary of well being gone. I'm going to be strong since this is suppose to be a happy day for us. The first part if his surprise is amazing well because we get to leave the institute for three days but I don't know what he planned for tomorrow since that's are real anniversary. When we finally got of the train you would think Natsu would've been groaning in pain with his motion sickness but with him jumping around like a five year old and thinking about tomorrow must of distracted him from it cause he was fine. Natsu already booked a hotel that Mira helped him choose which of course was a one bed room "Mira why" I sighed "hey it's not that bad it's big enough for you to have one side and i have the other" Natsu said with a grin. "I guess your right but no funny business"I said with a glare "I surrender" Natsu said putting his hands up. After a night of watching a few movies we fell asleep what I didn't know was that as we were sleeping he and I ended up cuddling next to each other with my head on his chest and is arm around my waist. Let's just say it was an interesting morning when I woke up because I may or may not have gave him one of my famous Lucy Kicks. After an hour of apologizing and eating breakfast and if course taking are pills we went out to start the surprise. As we walked by a familiar place my mother and I would go to shop i felt tears trying to well up but i stopped it before Natsu could notice. We stopped by a book store which made me mentally scream in joy as i went running in looking over fifty books but i cut down to thirteen sadly. When we left Natsu blind folded me saying we were nearing to the biggest part of his surprise. It didn't take to long to get to the destination since I could feel him stop but of course not fast enough and I ended up bumping into him. "Ouch" I heard Natsu say before rubbing my nose then kissing it. "Hey Luce i hope you know I did this because I love ya okay and I'll tell you the rest of the details later alright" Natsu said quickly while taking of my blind fold. I could feel the tears running down my face as i looked at my surprise it was my moms grave I haven't been able to come here in forever. I fell to my knees crying and saying sorry over and over while I was looking at my moms grave. "Luce I did this so you could see your moms grave and so that I could meet your mom" I looked at him in shock as i saw him walk closer to the grave and then touching it "hi Ms.Heartfilia I just wanted to thank you for your beautiful daughter that I'm so in love with and can't stop loving, i also want to say as much as i wish I could've met you in person I'm glad to speak to you now" he said with a bright smile and tears gleaming in his eyes. "Natsu" I whispered he turned to me and gave me a bear hug and we stayed like that for a couple of hours talking a out how she was and how I could pull of being her twin sister since we looked so alike. "Natsu today was the best day of my life" "I do try my best to keep you happy" he said laying his chin on top of my head. It was a wonderful rest of the day we went out to eat at a fancy place but also not to expensive since I didn't need his parents going bankrupt for us. We also went to the highest building in the town and got see almost the whole town and the twinkling stars which amazed me since I could also see the zodiac constellation. Which was my moms favorite constellation and now mines as well since it reminds my how happy she got when talking about it. As Natsu and I were leaving the building we saw a shooting star "make a wish Luce" "how can I when it had already came true" before I knew it Natsu turned me around gently and kissed me with such passion of love I melted into the kiss right away. "I really do love you Luce" "but i love you more" I said snuggling into his chest as we walked back to are hotel. It was amazing Three days of looking all over the town which brought a lot of happy memories back to me and also new ones with the one I love the most. Which couldn't be anyone else but the pink headed idiot but then again he's my pink headed idiot I thought with a smile on our way back. Being on the train was a bit entertaining since Natsu was sicker that a woman who has morning sickness because of pregnancy. Though it was a fun day since Natsu and I got to watch one last movie which was my favorite movie...(any of your favorite movies) and it was fun watching it again especially since Natsu was there who was acting like a little child the whole time and eyes wide. We finally got back which it was great seeing everyone else again and talking about what happened for our anniversary which made the girls tear up then aww and other girly things that made me roll my eyes but I have to admit that it was an amazing anniversary that made my heart flutter no matter how many times I thought about it. "What do you think will happen once we get out of the institute" "there will be one million NaLu babies" Mira squealed "" I deadpanned. "Aww" she sighed while I rolled my eyes "seriously though" "I think you two will go through some bumps along the way but I see you guys having children together and being in love with each other till your old and crinkly" Erza said with stars in her eyes "that sounds like a miracle" I sighed "well goodnight girls" I yawned walking back to my room what a crazy bunch of friends.

Sorry if this chapter isn't that good I only scanned through it so sorry again if there are misspelled words which I expect. Also I like to say I may or may not fix that later in the future.

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