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Lucy's P.O.V
I woke up with my vision blurry where am i is all i can think well except with the thought of i might of hurt somebody again. My vision finally cleared by the time i was looking at my hand holding another who was Natsu's hand. I smiled then it quickly turned to a frown as i saw his bandaged hands with blood leaking through "what happened" was all i could mumble since my throat felt scratchy. I began to sit up as i saw Natsu shift so i guess to surprise him since i know somehow that I've been out for a quiet long to time. Though one thing ran through my head the words "I love you" but the person it sounded like was Natsu which couldn't be right because no way he likes me more than a friend right?
Natsu's POV
I felt some shifting but I wasn't from me so i began to wake up to see whats going on this early. I opened my eyes only to see the beautiful sparkling brown eyes I've been waiting to see the whole month. I guess I didn't notice i was crying in till Lice moved her hand to wipe the tears off my face. I couldn't stop myself i leaned in and

hugged her as tight as i could without hurting her crying into her shoulder. "LUCE your awake i can't believe it your really awake" I mumbled "I'm sorry Natsu I must of worried you and the others" "you were out for a month almost two if you slept any longer". She smiled at me with that beautiful smile of hers as i pulled away "I better get the Doctor and the gang to check up on you Luce" "thank you Natsu" she responded still smiling. I left the room looking around for the Doctor in till I spot him talking to one of the nurses that work her named Lisanna, Mira's little sis who always gives me these strange looks. "Doc Luce woke up" "wait Lucy woke up" "that's what i said Doc" i said giving a goofy grin. "That's great to hear, Lisanna i have to go we'll talk about this later" she nodded as we began to retreat back to Luce's room. I knocked on the door and heard a light come in from the the other side so I opened the door. "Hi Lucy I'm Doctor Bickslow nice to meet you when your awake" Doc said with a small smile all Luce did in response was nod which made me wonder about something "hey Luce do you need water your voice seems scratchy" she smiled and nodded probably in relief that someone noticed. I have her a cup and thanked me in a stronger voice then she had before "so do you know when i can go back" Luce asked the Doc. He checked his board and began to talk "well Lucy we just need to take a few test but if everything goes fine you should be able to go" Luce smiled so big that i thought she might hurt herself. Though i was probably smiling that wide too without me noticing it yet "isn't that great Luce maybe we should surprise them what do you think" "sounds like fun" she giggled with a smile still in her face oh how i wish i could kiss her right on the spot. "Well i leave you too it and I'll stop by noontime whatcha say Doc" "that should be enough time i think and bring her some clothes when you come back alright" "yes sir" i said saluting him winning another giggle fit from the girl i learned to love. I smiled and said my goodbyes and see you laters with them and a few nurses along the way.
Luce's POV
After Natsu left we took the test right way only because i asked the Doc who I learned is dating one of his nurses (don't really have ship for him). Which i teased him for since we're pretty close since I've been at the Institute since I've been there since twelve maybe thirteen. Now I'm almost eighteen I've been here for five maybe six years i just can't wait to leave and stay in contact with my new friends. I didn't notice the time flew bye when we were taking the test because by the time we finished Natsu was at my door with clothes in his hands "she ready to go Doc" "yes Natsu but watch her just in case because she could start to get dizzy or nauseous" "will do Sir" Natsu said making me giggle.
Natsu's POV
I handed Luce the clothes and waited outside her room calling the gang on the hospital phone to meet me at the institutes park since they are allowing us to go to today. I heard the door open once i put down the phone "heya Luce you ready to go" i said smiling with my eyes close "yep so where are we meeting the gang" she replied sweetly that's when I opened my eyes to see the beautiful blonde I've been waiting for a month with her memorizing sparkling brown eyes. I could feel my face go red "Natsu are you alright" Luce asked touching my head "yeah I'm fine oh and we're going to the park to see the gang they'll be so happy" I replied stepping away from her gentle touch on my forehead. She smiled at my response and grabbed my hand running towards the exit "let's go Natsu" was all Luce said when she turned to me with a smile i could never forget in a lifetime the only thing i did in response was grin as big as her.
This girl no that's not Luce she has changed me for the gooder just kidding the better i really think i love her. So mum, dad what did you feel like when you guys met each other write back when you can love ya
From Natsu

The letter i sent my parents flashed through my mind though I'm no good at writing letters i had to just to give them more information about the girl i loved over these past few months here and how I'm getting better. I looked in front of me the blonde goddess blinded me with beauty as she was giggling will running with are hands holding on to each other as if we've know each other since we've been born. I laughed along with her I couldn't help it who could with her she was fun, giggly and most if all beautiful though that isn't all of her good traits she has so many more i could go on with. I snapped out of my day dream when i I tripped on a rock only to bring Luce with me and to make sure she would be safe i held her against my chest and her head blocked. When i opened my eyes i could only hear the magical sound of Luce laughing oh my what's happening to me i thought shaking my head.

To be continued I promise have a lot of mistakes kind of rushed this one i may go back on this chapter to fix mistakes or make it longer.

The Mental Hospital                                         (#Wattys2016)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora