Chapter Twenty Seven- You Just Haven't Earned It Yet, Baby

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"I love you so much," Roy said.

"I wonder how the Fritzges are gonna feel about that bullet hole in the wall," MacKenzie grinned and kissed Roy on the forehead. "And I think...I love you more."

Roy doubted that.

MacKenzie had decided not to speak of the incident to the girls when they finally arrived home, and Roy agreed with her considering a similar event had traumatized them in the past. She gave them supper and instructed them to bed upstairs, despite protest of wanting to hear more of Roy's stories, and it made him smile.

He reminded himself over and over that earlier MacKenzie had said babies. Yes, she wanted his children. Oh, and to build a life. And even though Roy had never thought of it before his knowledge of Dahlia's pregnancy, he absolutely thought of it now. Considering he was astounded to find out he could still have sex, and the mere fact of impregnating Dahlia, Roy couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be the father of MacKenzie's child. Or children.

They ended up sleeping in the guest room downstairs, and MacKenzie didn't touch her side of the bed. She clung to Roy all night, not once stirring or shifting an inch. She was content. She was at peace, despite an encounter with a drug fiend and a gun.

Roy did admit he was still a bit shaken up. They could have easily taken advantage of his physical limitations, but didn't, but kind of did. And he wondered what he would have done if MacKenzie wasn't there, or if he was completely alone without a weapon, considering he couldn't run away, and with one hand on the back of his wheelchair...yeah.

It boosted his ego the day he beat up William. He knew he had saved Dahlia's life. For once he felt like he was in control, a feeling he hadn't felt in almost a year. And this time, he felt completely helpless, and to his dismay, was 'rescued' by a woman, albeit a woman he loved very much.

But he wanted to be her protector. He wanted MacKenzie to feel she was protected, that she could depend on him to keep her safe. He'd previously felt that way about himself, like he was MacKenzie's object to take care of, but she only meant well. At least now he could drive by himself, that was a huge relief. It was a first step, he decided.

Holger Fritzges pranced into his estate like he owned the place...well, he did. While Peaches hugged her children, MacKenzie helped bring their luggage inside.

"Hey can I have a second with you?" Roy said quietly.

"No, you have verk right now," Holger replied.

"Yeah I'll drive over in a minute but listen, two guys showed up last night askin for money-"

"Mm yes it's happened vunz or tvice."

"I don't appreciate a knife being held to my neck and my fiancée having to shoot a gun."

Holger's eyes widened. "Fiancée! She didn't tell me-"

Wait, no, shit, what did I just do.

"Ready to go?" MacKenzie smiled, tapping Roy on the shoulder.

"Uh, yeah!" Roy nodded.

"Rolling friend," Holger narrowed his eyes.

MacKenzie raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah let's go," Roy gave MacKenzie a look.

Apparently it didn't occur to either of the Fritzges to say thank you.

"Bye, girls," Roy smiled.

"I'll be waiting for the bandits," Heidi whispered.

Roy promised they'd be back.

"You ready for work?" MacKenzie grinned, jerking the car out of the driveway.

"Oh man oh boy," Roy sighed.

"You wanna switch cars at home or just have me pick you up at like five?"

"Go ahead. Drive for awhile."

MacKenzie agreed, and soon they pulled into the dreaded diner's parking lot.

She put her hand over Roy's.

"Hey I got a question to ask you," she smiled.


"You wanna move in?" Her eyes were bright.


"Move in. Just bring your stuff in the car and move in. The rent sucks at your place and it'll be easier the three of us splitting it."

"The three of us."

Oh, yes.

MacKenzie chuckled under her breath.

"I don't know how your sister would feel about that," Roy cleared his throat.

"Screw my sister," MacKenzie shrugged.

Yeah I kind of already did...

"We're not married yet," Roy said quietly. "Us living in a house together wouldn't sound too good, would it."

"Don't you crinkle your eyebrows at me, I heard what you said to Holger."

" did..."

"So when are you proposing?"


"Fucking do it, Roy!"

"There's no ring."


Roy shrugged.

"It's not me and you living together. It's you living with two roommates," MacKenzie huffed.

"And sharing a bed," Roy reminded her.

"Yeah and we'll be humping and Alice will just have to suck it."

She already did suck it...

"Oh and by the way, that road trip I was telling you about, she wouldn't be going with us, for your information."

"Good to know."

"You're going?"

"I didn't say that."

"You're proposing."

"Don't put words in my mouth."

"You wanna go out to eat tonight?"

"You wanna shut up and kiss me?"

MacKenzie bit her lip, crossing her arms.

"You're demanding."

"You're no better."

"Go to work, Roy."

"I'll do that!" He said. "Gonna go make some money, some money to pay bills and stuff, to pay our rent and stuff."

A wide grin formed on MacKenzie's face. Roy could hear her squeaking in the car as he headed inside.

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