Chapter Twenty Four- You've Got Everything Now

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"Well," Roy began, "I bet you didn't know this, but this palace where you're sittin in right now was once on this big, desert island."

"No it wasn't!" Gillian exclaimed. "It was in the middle of a lake!"

"Well yeah, it was in the middle of a lake," Roy agreed. "On the big desert island."

"Were there princesses in the island?" Heidi asked. They both still had their eyes closed.

"Eh, sort of. All of the emotions that we feel, y'know, they lived on this island-"

"Wait wait," Gillian interrupted, clearly concerned.

"Shut up, let him finish!" Heidi responded agitated.

MacKenzie had opened her eyes and was smiling at Roy.

"Yeah they all lived in the palace on the island..." Roy said, keeping eye contact with MacKenzie. "But one night, when the stars were out, the island slowly began to sink to the bottom of the lake. Naturally, everyone constructed their boats and fled."

"So the emotions left the island?"

"Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment."

"He's gonna drown he's gonna drown!" Heidi said, tugging on Roy's arm.

"Well when the island was almost all the way under water, Love decided it was time to ask for help. As Richness rowed past him, Love asked if there was room in his boat, to which he replied I'm sorry, Love, but I have far too much gold and silver, you won't possibly fit!"

"That's rude," Gillian huffed.

"It kind of is," smirked MacKenzie.

"Then you certainly won't like everyone else's answers. Vanity said no, Love, you are all wet and might damage my boat! And Sadness said, oh, Love, I'm so sad I simply must be by myself!"

"When I'm sad I don't like being alone!" Heidi commented.

"Me too..." Roy said quietly. "And even Happiness was to wrapped up in her happiness to hear Love's calls for help..."

MacKenzie was still studying Roy. Both the girls still had their eyes closed, furiously concentrating.

"And...and Love was about to give up. He was sinking...he was drowning..." Roy trailed off. "But he heard a voice. A voice that said they were there to help. And just as the rest of the palace and island went underwater, Love was to the shore of the lake."

Heidi whispered something to her sister in German.

"Love was so surprised at the stranger who saved him, he questioned Knowledge if she knew who it was. And Knowledge answered...and Knowledge said it was Time...because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable love is..."

MacKenzie bit her lip.

"Ok I have a question," Gillian said. "How could this palace be here if it was underwater?"

"Well obviously, a bunch of bandits that loved the palace so much thought you girls would be able to take care of it instead of, y'know it being submerged." MacKenzie grinned and spoke up.

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