Chapter Twenty Five- Headfirst Slide into Hollywoodland

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Roy had eventually passed out, but he had no awareness of time. He could have fallen asleep the exact moment he woke up, and what woke him up was MacKenzie's nose on his face.

"What are you doing?" Roy mumbled.

"A neighbor down the road came over this morning to ask the girls if they wanted to play for the day," she smiled. "I trusted them to go to their piano lesson after and I'm expecting them home by seven."

"This morning?"

"Yeah it's noon," MacKenzie chuckled. "I figured I'd let you sleep. You needed it."

"Must have been from building the palace."

"Hey they really appreciate that," MacKenzie said as Roy scooted out from under the blankets. "They appreciate you. They don't really have a man in their life."

"If Holger can be called a man," Roy scoffed. Roy wheeled over to the French doors and began to light a cigarette.

"But really. What you did yesterday, you didn't have to. But you did." MacKenzie sat on Roy's lap. She took Roy's cigarette and threw it in the sink.  "Let's build a life together."

"That was a waste of cigarette."

"Let's build a life together," she repeated.

She meant it.

"Let's build breakfast."

"IT'S PAST NOON." She kissed Roy on the lips.

Roy smiled faintly. "You're serious."

"Do I look like I'm fucking joking?"

"Define build a life together."

"Define build breakfast."

"I'm serious."

"I wanna build a life together with you. I wanna share it with you and do something. Together. We can do great things."

"I'm workin at a rat infested diner and you're doing this."

"But I want it to be so we're both doing this."

"So you wouldn't be happy if we were both working in rat infested diners?"

"I'd be happy if we were both streetwalkers."

"You have to walk to do that."

"You know what I mean. And I'm not talking about us babysitting rich kids. I'm talking about living like this. In a big house. With our own kids."


"Babies," MacKenzie smiled. "And with a pool in the back and more than one bedroom and wine stacked up to the walls. Oh and the house would have an elevator." She held Roy's hands. "I think we can do it together."

"I doubt the elevator part."

"So it'll be a one story. I'd settle for that."

"Would you now?" Roy raised an eyebrow.

"Yes I would now."

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