Chapter Fifteen- West Coast

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{Authors note: will someone PLEASE make me some Roy and MacKenzie fan art? BECAUSE I WOULD LOSE MY SHIT. Or Dahlia, rip xx p.s sorry for so much delays in updates; I have a lot of shit going on involving my body right now so I may not update daily right now but I will weekly so don't you worry! .}


Roy had imagined that being with someone in bed would somehow calm his chronic nightmares. He was wrong.

He never experienced them until after the accident. Occasionally Roy would experience a blackened and dreamless sleep. But if he did remember his dreams, they were almost always terrifying.

He didn't know what he exactly did whilst sleeping. He knew he sometimes made audible sounds during. Sex noises. MacKenzie said he twitched a lot.

Each time he woke up he still felt like he was dreaming. They were so real. Too real. He could taste dirt in his mouth. MacKenzie seemed blissfully unaware of how severe they all were.

Instead of spending the day alone in MacKenzie's apartment like usual, Roy decided to actually do something productive. He concluded that rolling three blocks, one left, and two addresses over to the library wouldn't be a problem.

He had never visited a library in Los Angeles, but he thought, why the hell not and what could go wrong, so he went in anyway.

And to Roy's relief it was a relatively flat surface to get inside.

He gulped. I'm nervous for nothing.

The library smelt so familiar. That scent of old books and tobacco and mixes of people's perfume. Roy smiled to himself. What odd memories he had of libraries.

Roy glanced around. This was quite big compared to the one in Chickasha. Despite it being one story, it was very oblong and books upon books lined the shelves for what seemed like miles. several leather couches were occupied with young women and old men and there was a black cat sleeping on the front desk.

It was higher than he thought and he couldn't see over it. He was afraid of looking like an idiot if he scooted a bit out of his wheelchair to see if anyone was behind it. So he did what any rational Roy Walker would do. He quietly knocked on the desk.

Immediately a woman who appeared to be in her late 40s stared down at him.

"Uh..." Roy began.

She had short brown hair beginning to fade to grey. Her lips were thin and her chin prominent. Roy could tell he was obviously annoying her. Or she was immediately judging him.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, actually..." Roy felt uncomfortable by the way she was now standing over him like he was a child in trouble when her heels clicked over in front of the desk. Of course.


"Oh, um, I've recently moved back in this area, I was looking for work, I was wondering if-"

"I'm sorry, we don't do that," she smiled, adjusting the collar of her blouse.


"What? I uh, I have experience in this job. I could-"

The woman simply turned away and started walking to the other room. Roy instinctively followed her, awkwardly rolling into the back of her ankles when she abruptly stopped. Roy jumped. He felt stupid.  She looked at him disapprovingly and Roy felt himself turning red.

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