Chapter 36

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*I recommended you hear any sad song since it's going to be depressing* lol. 

Yoongi's Pov

Lately, I've been seeing Jimin coughing a lot, and it's making me so worried that I'm starting to grow my naturally gray hair. Whatever I asked him, he will always say that he's just getting a little cold, nothing too serious. I think it's not a cold that making him coughing up blood. Yup. I have seen him, trying to hide the bloody hand. At first, I thought it was something else but I pretty sure it's blood since it comes out in Jimin's mouth.

There's one time that he was coughing up blood and he hurriedly grabbed a napkin near him, then quickly wipes it off. That's when I felt something is wrong like he's been hiding something important. So that's means today, I will ask him about his health since he looks paler than before.

"Hubby!I'm home!I've got us some of your favorite cheesecake!~" Jimin barge in our apartment while clutching some plastic bags. Then, he sliding his white-black converse off and dropping the plastic bag on the dinner table.

"Is Minnie asleep?" He asked. I nodded my head.

 "Yeah, I already put her in bed," I respond and he looks up towards me noticing my voice is a very different tone. I was looking on the ground trying to not burst out my questions towards him.

"Hyung? What's wrong? There's some wrong to Minnie?" He asked with concern eyes, tilting his head to the side. I shook my head, signaling him to come over, patting the empty space that's beside me.

 "Min Jimin, "I started, looking towards him. He walked towards me and sit on my lap instead, making me grinned a bit. He wraps his arms around my neck and places his head on my shoulder.

"Hyung, I don't like this feeling, "He softly said while I swallow my saliva. After calming myself down, I stare into his eyes, wrapping my arms around his tiny waist. I took a breath in and let it out afterward.

"Jimin.Perhaps-," I paused while locking my eyes towards his.

"Jiminie, please tell me, "I continued while Jimin furrows his eyebrow making me difficult to ask him. Then, he unwrapped one of his arms around my neck, coughing his lung out. I held his tiny waist while he wants to get out of my lap but I lock him with my arms around.

I grabbed his shaking hands and saw the blood on it. My eyes widen as It was true, I might lose him.

"J-Jimin," I shuttered, feeling shocked. He quickly pulls his hand, as tears were coming up in his eyes. Jumping off on my lap, running towards our share-room. My eyes were shaking, mouth opening apart. I shook my head and stood up from the couch, then stomps over towards our share-room.

I turn the doorknob, then saw my husband laying down on the floor, unconsciously. My eyes widen and immediately ran towards him.

"JIMIN!" I screamed as I'm picking him up in my arms. 

"JIMIN! YAH! DON'T BE JOKING AROUND RIGHT NOW!? JIMMIE?!" I shook him slightly while screaming his name but haven't got any answers from him. Tears were coming up, making everywhere around me blurred.

"J-Jiminie, please don't do this," I said tears sliding on my cheeks. I slightly tapping his cheeks but there were no reactions. I sniffed while moving to check his pulse but felt nothing. My heart beat faster and tears kept sliding down. 

"J-Jimin, Please don't," I sobbed while hugging him in my arms.

After, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialing Hoseok's phone number. A few rings later, He finally picks up.

"Yeah?Hyung?"Hoseok's raspy-sleepy voice went through my ear.

 "HOSEOK PLEASE HELP ME! JIMIN HAD FAINTED A-AND I-I DON'T WHAT TO DO! PLUS HE'S NOT BREATHING!" I literally scream through the phone and tears kept sliding like river falls then I heard Taehyung's voice.

"WHAT HAPPEN HYUNG?!?ALRIGHT STAY THERE, WE'RE COMING OVER!! I'LL CALL NAMJOON AND SEOKJIN OVER!!" Taehyung hung up while I dropped my phone on the ground. I wipe my tears off while hugging tightly him my arms.

"P-Please don't leave Minnie and me."

"Please, I'm b-begging you," I sobbed while hiccupping between.

Minutes had passed until the front door opened, meanwhile, I heard Taehyung and Seokjin's footsteps, then barging in my room.

"JIMINIE-HYUNG!" taheyung yelled while tears are already fallen down on his cheeks. Seokjin's covers his mouth, standing in the doorway. I sniffed and carries my unconscious husband up. 

"Let's hurry Hyung," Namjoon stated. I nodded as taehyung's crying in his boyfriend's arms.

 "I-I will stay here with Namjin, Minnie, and Taeseok? You all go!"Seokjin said as his voice cracking a little. All of us nodded and hurriedly out of the apartment and drifted to the nearby hospital.

As Namjoon parked at the front of the hospital, I immediately carry my husband out of the car like there's tomorrow and hurriedly ran towards into hospital.

"PLEASE, SOMEONE! HELP MY HUSBAND! HE'S NOT BREATHING, "I shouted my lungs out while there were a couple of doctors hurling around my husband.

"Alright, We need to check some his blood and Doctor  Yoora, make sure stay close to him," Doctor Yoora said while they all nods their head. Then, I saw them taking my Jimin aways from my arms making me collapse on my knees.

"H-Hyung!"Namjoon and Hoseok yelled while on my both sides. I looked up at the transparency sliding door closes.

"Please don't leave me, Jiminie,"


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