Chapter 27

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Lee JongSuk's Pov

I walked toward my room and let out a tired sighed. I dropped myself on my bed, laying on my stomach, thinking about my life over again. So, how did I met Mr.Park? Well, let's say that I work for him. He also let me stay in his mansion and I work as one of his bodyguards, protecting his son from school.

 Unfortunately, Jimin didn't know about me since my room is way far than his and I usually wake up early then his family usually wakes up. So, Jimin won't be spotted me. I would be followed him everywhere and even become friends with him but he still doesn't know me as his bodyguard. 

Until one day, I had realized that I had fallen in love with the chubby cheeks boy. Like I shouldn't be, but my hearts kept telling me that he might be the one. So, I decided to keep my feelings in and didn't want to listen to it.

 Jimin and I always be there for each other. There were a couple of times that he kept blabbing about his crush, Min Yoongi.

 At first, I wanted to tell him that I love him but, I can't be fallen in love with the person I'm protecting. Eventually, they had gotten together and he had stopped talking to me until he moved out from the mansion going to college. 

Later on, Min Yoongi had made him pregnant and I was heartbroken by hearing the news. I knew my chances were down since I knew that there won't be splitting up. Well, with my confidence, I would do anything to split them up even I would spare my life if I have to. 

Later on, Mr.Park ordered me to follow them everywhere they go and keep on updating for him so he will found ways to break them apart.                

Jimin's Pov

"Taehyungie! Stop feeding my baby a piece of lemon!" I shouted. Taehyung giggled and kept held the piece a lemon to Minnie's mouth in the other hand she was wrinkling her face while the lemon touches her tongue.

 "What? It's so funny, though," He responds laughing in between. I stomp towards them and pick Minnie up to my arms.

"My baby isn't a toy to play with, Taehyung, "I stated and he pouted.

 "Jeez, Hobi and I would do that to our child," He snickered while crossing his arm. I widened my eyes realizing what he had just said. 

"Wait! You're pregnant?" I asked and he smirked. 

"Mhm, I'm 4 weeks pregnant, hyungie~" He responds. I squeal like a fangirl and spins my baby around. 

"Congratulations!Taehyungie!" I said and he laughed.

 "Thanks,hyungie~" He responds. Then, I put Minnie down and gave a quick hug until Minnie start to whimper then turns to sobs. 

"Aigoo, she's jealous!~" I cooed and Taheyung tilts his head, confused. I hurried towards her and pick her up until she calms down. Taehyung snickered and wraps his arms around me making Minnie screams again. Taehyung quickly back off and laughed after. 

"She totally got her father's jealous genes," Taehyung stated and I laughed while rubbing in circles of my daughter's back. 

"Yeah, I guess so," I respond and felt a vibrate inside my pockets.

 "Hey, can you carry Minnie while I check my phone? It looks like someone had to text me," I said and Taheyung kindly took Minnie in his arms. Minnie gave him a weird look while Taehyung gave her a big smile. I walk towards the kitchen and pulled out my phone from my pocket. Then seen an Unknown person had to text me. 

From Unknown:

Hey, Jiminie~ remember me? Lee JongSuk?

As I was reading the text, my eyes widen and I quickly slide my screen. Then, rapidly tap the IMessage logo and sent a text back. 

To: Unknown : 

JongSukkie!~ Long time no see!~  

I locked my phone and tucked into my pocket. Until I let out a cough but I cough out blood. I narrow my eyes while staring the blood from my hands. 

"What is this? Is this blood?" I muttered and hurriedly grabbed a napkin to wipe the blood off. I shook my head and wash my hands in the sink. 

"Maybe, I'm just dehydrated," I mumble and wipe my hands with the towel. Then, walk out of the kitchen. 

-Sorry if it's short~ I'll be updating soon!~ 


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