She looks down, and shakes her head. I would kill to know what she is thinking about, but that's not important. I just need to know she is okay.

"It's going to be alright. Trust me. I lost my brother, I can help you through this." I say, bringing her into a hug again.

As I pull her in, I feel her shiver. It wasn't a cold shiver, it was as if she was scared. But I had no idea what she could be scared of right now. I don't dwell on it too much longer, intead I put all my focus back on her once again. 

She pulls out the hug and looks at me. Her face is red and tears stain her cheeks, but she isn't crying as hard as she was before. 

"Thank you." she says, grabbing my hand. 

"You're welcome. Anything for a friend." I say with a weak smile. I wish she knew how bad I want to be more than just friends with her. 

She gives me a faint smile and squeezes my hand. I can't look her in the eyes, because I know what  I'll do, I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to kiss her. I won't be the guy that ruins things for her. As much as I want to be with her, I know that it will end badly. I am in college and she is finishing high school. She lives here and I go to school in California. I just wouldn't work out, and the last thing I want to do is break her heart.

I feel her touch my chin, lifting my face up. "Why aren't you looking at me?" she asks.

I sigh before looking away again and I answering her, "Because if I look at you. I will kiss you. And if I kiss you, I'll ruin your realationship with your boyfriend." I tell her honestly.

Her hands move, so that now they hold my cheeks. "This is going to be hard."

"I know, but we are going to have to make it work." I point out.

"Yeah, but when all you want to do is smash lips with another guy that's not your boyfriend is a very hard thing to do." she says.

"My knees hurt." I say, not really responding to the words she just said.

I stand up first and pull her up after. Her crying has stopped, but I can tell that she is still sad. I don't know what I can do to make her smile again, but now, it's my number one priorty. Mission "Make Liz Happy" is a go. 

She slides into one of the chairs, and I take the one next to her. I can hear her stomach growling. I look over at her, and she has a weird look on her face. Like she's embarrased that she's hungry. 

"Do you want me to get you something to eat?" I ask, with a small chuckle. 

"Please." she says quietly.

"I'll be right back." I say with a smile. I stand up and start walking away. I don't know why I look over my shoulder, but I do. I have no idea why I thought she would just leave, and I smile when I see that she didn't. 

As I walk to the hospital cafeteria, I think of all the ways to make her smile again. It had to be something good, something she will remember. I promise myself that no matter what happens between us, I never will make her cry. I will only make her smile and laugh. That's what she deserves and that is what she is going to recieve. 

Liz's POV

I watch him walk away. I wish he knew how happy I am to see him. But he can't see it, because I can't bring myself to smile. At least a true and genuine smile. When the doctor told me, everything in me stopped working. It took me a second to process his words. It was like I was waiting for me to wake up from this horrible dream, but that moment never came. Reality hit me, right in the stomach. 

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