chapter 36

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"you know what mary we're through"

"its fine because atleast i know i did nothing wrong, goodbye cody"

since i started going out with kian and jc practically everyday, cody has started getting jealous as i would like to put it but he bursted out today but its fine i know ive been having fun with them and if he doesnt want to be together because of that i really dont care.

in the end its not me doing anything wrong.

"woah what was that screaming?" kian asked when he opened the door to his room

"oh nothing really i was just breaking up with cody on the other side of the world" i said and laughed

"damn so you guys are over now?"

i shook my head and grabbed a slice of the pizza off his plate since i was really hungry.

"well i think im gunna go back to my place and get stuff organized and get stuff sorted out for school"

"alright well im always here if you need anything"


as i drove back to my place and was listening to some music to get me out of what just happened i recieved a text from jc.

"hey where are you?"

at a stop sign i replied

"i left kian's place, on my way to my apartment"

"oh is it okay if i go pick you up later? maybe go drink some coffee somewhere?"

i thought about it and sighed. why just all of a sudden?

kian must have told him but it didnt matter anyways i didnt care.

"yeah sure ill call you when im ready. around 4pm?"

as i pulled up to the street of my apartment and it was 3:25, i replied


i got the stuff out of my trunk and walked up the stairs to my apartment. 

i grabbed a shirt and some jeans from my room and a bra and underwear from my drawers. i plugged in the radio when i entered the bathroom and got the water running. 

when i got out it was only 3:45 so i thought a little blow drying and straighening wouldnt take too long.

as i was unplugging the straightener, i got a call from jc.

"hey im outside" he said 

"alright ill be out in 5 seconds"

i got my car keys that had the apartment keys and my debit card incase i wanted something.

as i walked down the stairs, there he was at the bottom waiting for me. 

"hey" he said pulling me into a hug

"hi" i said giving him a hug back

he opened the door for me and he got himself in the drivers seat. 

"so you think starbucks is fine?" he asked as he started the car

"um yeah do you know where its at around here?"

he showed me the map he had on his phone and said

"always ahead of the game" 

the ride there was only 5 minutes long but it felt like a decade, we were both quiet and i didnt know how it was gunna go while we were just sitting there in the restaurant.

he took his laptop and opened the door for me as we walked in.

"what are you gunna want?" he asked getting in line

"um a tall caramel frap and a cake pop will be fine"

as he ordered i found a table for us to sit at and i set his laptop down on his side.

after he was done he walked over and sat down on his side.

"well the reason i brought you here was because i wanted to talk to you about what happened to us and that i need you for a video i have to film" he said emphasizing the us

"mmmhm" i said and pretended that the first subject wasnt awkward

 they called his name for the drinks and he went to pick them up while i stayed in my seat. 

"thanks" i said as he set down our drinks

"well, lets talk about the video first shall we?" he asked

i nodded and took a sip from my frap.

"well i wanted the concept or title of the video be things girls do that guys hate and then maybe do vice versa on your channel if you want to"

"that sounds pretty cool, are you filming tonight or when?" i asked 

"yeah if you wouldnt mind me filming at your place"

"oh no its no problem" 

we finished our drinks and he drove us over to my apartment where we began to set up for the video.

"youre lucky i didnt take my lights to kian's" i said and laughed

"well if not we would just have to film with bad lighting"

as we started filming jc's video and he started to introduce us i really couldnt stop looking at him but it hit me that we were on camera and i snappped out of it.

he talked alot about stuff he really didnt like about girls and it worried me what girls he had talked to before that he obviously didnt like about them.


sorry i took sooooo long to update but 15 votes and mary's video part will be up, i hope im not letting alot of you guys down with this fanfic and still believe i will get somewhere  

ily :)

p.s i recently kinda uploaded a youtube video and it would be pretty cool if ya watched it and maybe followed my twitter - @wtfisamary 

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