Chapter 23

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-Mary's POV-

i woke up to the sound of loud knocking on the door

"WHO IS IT" i screamed and asked

"its jc" he laughed "open the door please"

"okay hold up"

i got up and saw that rebecca and kian were'nt at the hotel anymore and all their stuff was gone

"w-what happened to them?" i asked confused when i opened the door

"they actually left already, we figured out we're staying at kian's so they already got going"

"oh what time is it?"

"its like 10, you needa be out of the room by 12 so do you want me to help you pack or?"

"no thanks, im going to take a shower and then ill come out and fix everything"

"alright ill just lay down and watch some tv" he said grabbing the remote

i took a towel, my clothes and my razor to shave my legs

after a 20 minute shower i was surprised to see jc still watching tv, what a cutie

"alright, all my clothes are probably dirty so ill just stuff them in my luggage and wash them when we get to kian's"

 "yeah, were taking a cab to his place and everyone's gunna be there so sure do what you want" he said looking away from the tv to talk to me

"are we gunna go get breakfast or something?" i asked closing my luggage

"yeah we can go get some mcdonalds right now after youre done really quick"

"alright let me just put everything else thats left in my duffel bag and we'll be out"

i unplugged my charger, got my camera and its charger and ran over to the shower and grabbed my razor and straightener to put it all in the bag  

i checked that i had my earphones, macbook and everything else in my bag and got my phone off the counter

"lets goooo" i said going near the door

"theres one like 3 blocks away you think we'll make it?" he asked when we entered the elevator

"yeah i mean i think we can were not gunna crawl there" i said and felt my phone vibrate


good morning :)

it read and i realized jc had set himself as my background i giggled a bit,

"wow thanks for the new background cutie" i said to him and we went out of the elevator

we walked about 2 blocks and we were crossing the street to mcdonalds and jc held my hand while we walked in, we ordered our stuff and got eating

"did i tell you that connor texted me goodmorning?" i told him and laughed a bit

"no, what did you tell him?" he asked after taking a bite of his mcgriddle

"i havent replied, i barely even know him"

"true, well are you almost done?" he asked crumbling up the napking he had used

"um yeah lets go"

we walked back to the hotel for the last time hand in hand and up to my room

"alright, let me help you" he said and grabbed my luggage "got your key?" he asked

"yeah in my back pocket" i said picking up my duffel bag

we got out of the room and into the elevator

"theres a taxi waiting for us outside, ill go give the card and you wait for me outside yeah?"

"yeah sure" i said handing him the card while the elevator doors opened

i walked outside and saw that the taxi was already waiting for us outside, he took my luggage and set it in the back of the cab and i waited for jc 

he walked out of the lobby and walked over to the taxi and opened the door for me 

"thanks" i said and sat myself in the taxi cab

"can i have the address sir?" the driver asked jc 

i giggled a bit and jc handed the man a piece of paper over 

"why are you laughing?" he said and punched me lightly 

"ow i was just laughing because he called you sir" i whispered 

"we will be there in about 35 minutes alright" the driver said 

"alright thanks" jc replied 

"i have to tell my mom im going to kian's and that ill probably be home tonight let me text her"

"hey mom ill probably be home tonight or something, and i have someone that i want you to meet! ill be at kian's just chilling with everyone since theyre staying there see ya soon"

i put my phone on my lap and leaned over to jc's shoulder and he hugged me tight as if he never wanted to let me go 


"heeeeeey" i said running into Kian's arm after getting my luggage out of the cab

"you guys made it!" he said 

"well duh" me and jc both said 

"i think im gunna go leave my stuff at my house i dont want it to bother here" 

"alright whatever you want, we're gunna be backyard in the pool if you want to come later"

"will dooo"

"jc will will you walk me to my house and help me, its only like 2 blocks away"

"uh yeah sure ill go" he said helping me with my duffel bag as a rolled my luggage

"my mom's gunna be home but dont worry about that" i said as we got walking down the block

we got to my house and i couldnt wait for my mom to meet jc, i wonder if jc was nervous at all. he looked a bit nervous but i didnt bother to ask him why.

i rang the doorbell and of course my mom opened the door. 

"moooom" i said all pulled her in for a hug 

"hey sweetie i missed you" she said stroking my hair

we pulled away and i said 

"mom this is jc, jc this is my mom" looking over at him

"nice to meet you" they both said to each other

"well youre not gunna leave us out here" i said to my mom 

"oh of course not" 

we walked in and i walked up to my room to set my stuff down

"do you want to go to the store to grab something to take to kian's?" i asked him 

"yeah i want some gummy worms so lets go" he said and i noticed his mood got a little brighter

"alright ill go downstairs and ask my mom if i can use her car c'mon lets go"


i thought i would cut if off there since you guys wanted an update sooooo bad but hey the good part isnt here yet, this is just a filler im sorry i took forever to update ): but thanks to everyone who stuck with the book i love you guys!

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