Chapter 13

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i woke up at around 9am and no one was up yet so i decided i was going to make some breakfast for them . i got a couple of eggs out of Kian's fridge and decided i was just gunna make them eggs .

i cracked a few couple eggs and i saw Destiny come in the kitchen, you couldnt miss her big curly hair .

"good morning" she said and sat down in a chair over the counter 

"heyyy, how did you sleep?" i asked handing her a plate with an egg

"eh, it was okay the couch isnt that comfortable haha"

"i know i didnt sleep well either even if they let us up on the comfty sofa"

"well heres the orange juice and a fork, im gunna go wake them up"

"Kianster, Ricardo wake up ya little poops!" i said throwing a pillow at both of their heads 

they both groaned and got up 

"ugh Mary its so early! but it smells good" Kian said with a smirk

"hey babe" Ricardo said as he leaned over to Destiny and kissed her forehead

they all sat over the counter and i was washing the dishes .

"hey Ricardo how are you on that Vidcon stuff?" Kian asked 

"oh its eh, i have to work on it when i get back to Texas"

"oh alright i hope you guys can make it because its in like 2 weeks duuddee"

"yeah oh its gunna be so much fun but me and Destiny better get going because she wants to stop by her aunts house in Pasadena and well, its a long trip" Ricardo said "oh one thing, can we use your bathroom? you know take a shower and stuff?" 

"totally! the bathrooms up there, 3rd door to the right" 

"alright thanks"

"hey guys im actually leaving right now, so yeah, Destiny get my number from Kian and stuff" i said giving them hugs 

"Kian imma borrow your penny board so i can get home okay?" "oh and your clothes too, ya know since i aint gunna ride in a dress so ill bring em later"

"yeah sure, text me when you get home" 

when i got home i wanted to take a shower because i didnt feel comfortable .i put Kian's clothes to wash in the washer and got dressed in lazy clothes and went downstairs and saw that my mom was home . 


"hey honey" she dragged me down to the sofa and hugged me

"i hadnt seen you in a while haha" i said hugging her back

"yeah since youve been so busy i guess" 

"yes mom busy havin fun ya know" 

"vidcon is in 2 weeks! are you exited for that?"

"heck yes! i met some other new youtubers at the party Kian took me to so i cant wait"

"good good, hey lets go get some food or something?"

"yeah totally!" i went upstairs and got some money and my phone

i drove her down to the mall, i liked spending time with her so i wanted to have a nice day out with her .

"mom i wanna just ya know shop today so we will go off on stores, so ill let you go first"

she went to Jc Penny and then she went with me to Urban Outfitters and etc . i was glad she was one of those pacient moms, that way she wouldnt be bothering me about hurrying up .

we got starbucks after we got our shopping done and we sat outside and talked .

"hey mom so when is this you and your wedding thing going down?" 

"welllllllllllll maybe in Decemberhopefully in December"

"ahh then i cant wait!"

"yeah i know i gotta get planning too" she said 

"oooo where are you planning on having the reception?"

"hm i dont know havent thought about that, maybe downtown LA"

"that would be nice, well we better get going because its already 2 and i dont want it to get dark when i go give Kian his stuff back"

"alright lets go" she said and i helped her pick up her bags

i took Kian's clothes out of the dryer when i got home and got his pennyboard from my room and told my mom i was off to Kian's house .

when i got to Kian's, his mom was home so i said hi and we went up to his room and when he opened the door, Sam was there .

"heyyyyy!" he said when i walked

"hi" i said taking a seat on Kian's bed

i hadnt been trying to avoid him since last time, i just really didnt want to talk to him . i wasnt okay with what had happened that day .

"im sorry for everything and i mean i broke up with her because i didnt like her anyways, once i got to really know her, she was just really rude and i wouldnt have liked that around you at all"

"yeah i after she threatened me you say that" i said in my mind "okay, but i dont want that to happen ever again"

"yeah, no problem about that and sorry for not listening to you"

"hm yeah and hows your vidcon stuff going out?" i asked wanting to get off the topic he was on

"oh yeah, i got that all sorted out and i just got a room to myself because i figured you guys had gotten all that sorted already" he said finishing the sentence quietly

"oh yeah if you would have told us earlier we could have gotten you together with Rebecca and stuff"

"yeah but its all good now"

"yeah cool, well i still got to walk home so imma go now"

i said goodbye to Kian's mom and said to come by more because she misses me . Kian walked me out, and he gave me a hug . 

"sorry for not telling you Sam was over"

"nah its okay thanks for the clothes and penny board"

"yeah no problem, take care" he said

when i got home, i ate some chicken nuggets my mom had brought and then went upstairs to sleep


sooooOOOoOoOoOoo sorry for not uploading soon, spring break and stuff yeah . but um for those of you asking when jc is coming in the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sooner than you think


Unexpectantly (jc caylen love story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara