Chapter 25

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the next morning i woke up to a text from destiny at about 1:30pm

"hey me and ricardo are at the mall and we're just gunna do a little bit of looking around today see ya later"

i heard a door open, it was across the hallway from the bathroom and i asked "jc is that you?" loud enough for him to hear

"oh yeah its me haha i took a quick shower and stuff, sorry if i woke you up" he said popping his head through my bedroom door

"nah destiny actually woke me up but um where are you going?" 

"i just want to go out today ya know? go cruze on pennyboard with some lucky girl" he said laying down next to me on my bed

"oh and whos that lucky girl?" i said looking into his eyes

"oh you know, i was hoping you would join me and be my lucky girl" he said giving me a smile

"wow you chose a nice lucky girl, well let me shower and stuff want to go make some breakfast for us or what?"

"after you get out of the shower lets get some lunch downtown or something"

"alright i can do that"

i took a shower and put my unicorn muscle tee and skinny jeans on that i would match with my white converse. i straighted my hair a bit because it was a little messy after the shower. 

"alright im ready" i said walking downstairs with my phone and credit card in my pocket

jc was watching full house on nick. oh how he loved that show and so did i, one of the things we had in common. he turned off the tv and we walked over to where our pennyboards stood against the wall. i noticed he put a snapback on and i took it from him.

"race ya down the street, whoever wins stays with the snapback" i said to him 

"its on" he said locking the door and putting the in his pocket

he won, because guys win like everything but he still let me keep the snapback. we went over to panda for the lunch jc was going to take me out for and i ordered orange chicken and chow mein what i usually get and he got the same. we sat down on the outside tables and got eating.

"you know you look beautiful today" he said looking over at me

i blushed and smiled "thanks"

we got up and threw our trash away and i ate my fortune cookie a bit after. didnt mind reading the quote because my life was perfect the way it was, fortune cookies are just like perfect.

"well the little plaza mall is like a block away can you see it" jc said as we walked down the sidewalk

"duh jc i know, i live here dummy"

"alright well im walking there, mind holding my hand lil lady?" he said

i held on to his hand and we walked towards the plaza, we looked like a cute little thing. pennyboards on our free hands and holding hands. i didnt know what we had, it was like a fling or friends with benefits. i really didnt care because i knew he loved me and we didnt have to have anything to be happy.

we walked around from store to store, looking around and what not. i was looking around at claires and i found a really cute set of frienship bracelets that were like unisex.

"aw jc arent these cute for us?" i said showing him the bracelets

"oh my god the design is really cool" he said taking a look at them

"im gunna get them for us" i walked over to the cash register and jc waited for me at the exit

"would you like a bag?" the lady over the counter asked after saying how much i needed to pay

"um no thanks, ill take it without one"

"alrighty, here you go thank you for shopping here"

i was so excited to put the bracelet on jc that i didnt say thanks back to her. we got out of the store and i took the bracelets out of the thing and put jc's on his right wrist and he put mine on my right wrist too.

"you make me really happy" he said smiling after putting my bracelet on

i looked him in the eyes, smiled and put my arms around him and gave him a really big hug. truth is jc really made me the happiest girl ever and i didnt want him out of my life and was just happy that i met him.

"well lets get walking home im kinda tired" i said "ill race ya home" i added and smiled 

we got home tired, but i won because i knew a shortcut home.

"you little cheater" he said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist while i was drinking water in the kitchen

"well ya know, girls rule boys drool" i offered him some water from my cup

"haha youre cute" he said smirking at me and taking a sip 

"for the rest of the day i think we should watch movies and cuddle what do you say?"

"i couldnt agree more! ill make the popcorn, go choose a movie"


i walked into the livingroom and went to where i kept all of my movies and chose iron man. it was one of my favorite movies and i loved iron man so i thought it would be fun to watch with jc. he walked into the livingroom and set down the popcorn and i played the movie.

the rest of the day, we watched movies and i ended up falling asleep.


alright guys! was this a quicker update? haha umm well please vote and comment, i read every comment and appreciate them 

i love you guys so much

Unexpectantly (jc caylen love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu