Chapter 1

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Hi, im Mary im 19 and i live in Los Angeles California . I like to go to the beach, eat, and hangout with my friends . I guess you can say im your average teenage girl except that im a youtuber . yeah, ive collaborized with a couple of youtubers . ive gotten close to alot of youtubers and they are just the best . Sam and Kian are actually some of my best friends oh and Trevor! I love being a youtuber . this year, im going to Vidcon baby!

Kian and Sam are meeting up with me today cause we were going shopping . it was about 5pm and I decided to call Kian and ask if he was on his way .


"hey Mary!" 

"are you guys on your way or what?"

"yeah were actually a stop away from your house" 

"alright ill be out in five seconds"

I put my phone and some money in my pocket . I got my house keys, headed out of my house and locked it.

From a distance i saw Kian and Sam in the car but i couldnt clearly see who was in the backseat .

I didnt ask who it was i just stepped in the car and we left .

When we arrived the parking lot was full but we found a place to park . Kian said he wasnt going to  hang out with the other girl so Kian and I just walked around the mall looking at Urban Oufitters and Hot Topic but nothing had caught my eye .

As we were exiting Tillys i asked 

"Kian so who was that one other chick Sam went with?"

"oh Sarah?" he said with a disgusted look 

"shes Sam's new girlfriend . but just 2 hours ago she posted a video on her channel saying that she loves me and then Sam was hanging out with her and he asked her out and she said yes so he doesnt know that she kinda likes me" 

"oh, well she looks pretty stuck up . didnt he have another one like last month?" 

"yeah ... but thats him, lets go get some pizza or something? im starving!"

we went to the food court and Kian got us a medium pizza and drinks 

i had barely finished my second slice and the rest of the pizza was already gone when i went to get a 3rd slice .

"since you finished it go throw away the box!" i said as i finished taking a sip of my soda 

"okay" said Kian

i got up and we kept on walking around . i saw a couple of cute guys as we walked around some more but i doubt they  would have seen me . since summer has begun i dont know if i want a boyfriend . if i fall, i fall . if not, life continues .

they probably thought i was with Kian ha i remember when i had a cute little crush on Kiki . summer of 2009, we met through one of my brother, step brother i should say and he was best friends with Kian and Sam . Joshua (my brother) invited me to the beach and they were there . when i first saw them i thought Kian was the cutest and he would be really nice and stuff and he is really really nice once you get to meet him . i never knew they were youtubers when i met them . they probably only had about 1,000 subscribers . 

we had walked the mall like 25 times already . 

"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary! can we go home now?" Kian screamed at me 

"Kian, we dont live together loser and yeah drive me home and then you can go home oh and what about Sam?" 

"oh hes walking his girlfriend home i guess and then hes gunna get a cab to take him home i guess and then hes gunna get a cab and go home"

"okay well then lets go home mr lawley"

we went out of the parking lot and Kian screamed "AW MAN I FORGOT WHERE WE PARKED!"  

"this always happens when i come to the mall with you Kian! and its only when i come with you!" i said laughing 

after almost 30 minutes of looking for the car we found it . 

the car ride to my house was about 10 minutes and we were just jamming to the songs on the radio . 

i got off the car at my place and i was TIRED and it was already 10!

"were here!!!" Kian screamed 

"duhhhh captain obvious" 

"haha well bye loser text me"

"im tired Kiki text you tommorow  . drive home safe!"


i dont know what is wrong with Wattpad but call this the first chapter i guess then it will go on to chapter 2 and so on ill try to fix it if i can but enjoy (:

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