Chapter 19

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after the broadcast, we all went up to our rooms to get ready for the district lines party . i took a shower  and made sure to shave my legs and pits since i was planning to wear a muscle tee and shorts . since i was the first one in and out of the shower, i had a bit more time to spend than Kian and Rebecca so i went on twitter . i wasnt following Jc or Jack so i made sure to do that and they had already been following me so i felt bad . i went through my mentions and retweeted a few of the viewer's pictures and tweeted "vidcon has been so much fun, thanks for everyone thats here and if you have taken a picture with me add #MeetingMaryAtVidcon to the tweet!" 

i finished my outfit with my white vans with high waited jean shorts and a muscle shirt with different kinds of butterflies . we were all ready to go at 7:45 so we went down to meet the rest of the peeps . tonights party was for all the youtubers so we didnt have anything to hide, we all just walked in . when we walked in, i was hanging out with Jack since the others had left to dance . we walked over to the beverage bar and i got a monster . i spotted Sam Pepper from away and saw that he was dancing with Alfie, the Harries twins and Marcus Butler . he called me over and i told Jack that i would be back .

"hey, lets go outside?" he asked obviously trying to get away from the music

"um yeah sure" 

i followed him outside to the patio where Jc also was, talking on the phone .

"so about that last kiss, i hope your over that" he said running his hands through his hair

"oh yeah totally, i mean its whatever" i said looking at Jc when i said that to him

"who are you looking at?" he asked 

"oh no one just ya know just looking into the distance"

when i finished saying that i felt his lips crush on mine, i tried pulling away but he just held me tighter . my eyes were wide open and i saw that Jc ran over to seperate him and me . 

"FUCK OFF DUDE" Jc screamed to Sam

i slapped Sam and then he ran away . i noticed that Jc's eye was red, because Sam had managed to punch him when he was pulling him away . 

"oh my god are you okay?" i asked 

"yeah, i think its gunna get swollen though so im going to get some ice" 

"ill go with you, im sorry you could have just let him i mean didnt have to go through all this" i said 

"nah its fine" 

we walked to the beverage bar an i asked the server if he could give me a bag of ice and i placed it on his eye . i didnt want it to get swollen, ah poor kid . 

Jack walked over and asked 

"what happened?"

"Sam punched him ill tell you about it later, im just gunna get him to his room tell the rest please"

"yeah no problem"

we went out of the party and i saw that his eye was getting purple .

"i think youre gunna get a black eye" i said to him

"ah that sucks"

"i know im so sorry, you shouldnt have really gotten involved i would have taken care of him"

"no, its okay dont apologize i did it to defend you because you dont deserve to be treated like that"

"thanks alot, do you have your room card?"

"yup its in my pocket, can you get it for me?" he asked holding the ice with both hands, obvious that his goal was for me to flirt with him and i dont think i had a problem with it because i think i liked him .

i got the card a slid it through the thing on the door ((idk what its called okay bare with me)) and i told him to lay on his bed .

"um if you need anything just call me over" i said

"i dont have your number haha" he said

i went over to his phone and added my number in his contacts .

"alright thanks, means alot that you actually walked me up here"

"yeah no problem, ill see you later tommorow i guess"

"yeah, goodnight" i said exiting the room


sorry it isnt a long chapter guys, but ah the support you guys are giving me is amazing, i really love each and every one of you . should i start making Jc's POV?????? comment below :-) make sure to vote too


Unexpectantly (jc caylen love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя