chapter 30

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i ran up to him and said 

"how could you do this?"  

"i could ask the same about when you kissed connor!" 

"oh please jc that was a while ago and you werent talking to me plus, youre here to see me and youre here apparently kissing some other girl? go fuck yourself"

i ran and ran as much as i could, i got to the the pier and decided to sit down on one of the benches. how could he do that to me? i mean he doesnt even have an excuse?

i got up and decided to walk around to not get bored, but i still couldnt get the image of jc kissing that girl off my mind. i went to get cotton candy and there was a guy behind men in line that looked very familiar. as i got walking on the pier again he came up to me and asked

"are you mary?" 

"um yeah" i replied feeling a bit creeped out 

"im cody from high school!"

i thought about it but i couldnt remember 

"oh cmon it wasnt that long ago"

"were you the one who was once class president? and the one who had the really long speech at graduation?"

he laughed and said "yes"

"well hey! i havent seen you in quite a while"

"i know! did you move down here?"

"yes! after high school i moved down here by myself and now im starting at UCLA in a couple of weeks" 

"oh wow!"

"yeah what about you?" 

"well i actually live near hollywood, im going to a school near there about arts and stuff"

"oh thats cool! whats your major?"

"video game designer"

i remember one time i bumped into him in the hallway and his papers fell out of his binder and i noticed his work while picking up his papers and they werent bad at all.

"thats really awesome!"

" how about we go on some rides? i mean you dont have a boyfriend do you?"

"um i do. but we arent on good terms, actually im here because i he was kissing a girl and i ran here and yeah..."

"wow what a loser! well im sure it wont hurt to hang out with me and have fun without him"

"yeah" i said and laughed

we walked to the ticket booth and he got both of us a wristband for unlimited rides. i checked my phone and saw that it was only 5pm, well it was gunna be a long afternoon.

(A/N i know, huntington doesnt have a pier like santa monica but pretend it is like santa monica)

"lets go on the ferris wheel" he said

"sure" i said giving him a smile and following him

obviouslu it was a 2 people per cart/swing thing so we sat together.

"so this guy? who is he?" he asked

"oh hes a youtuber, have you heard of jc caylen?"

"yes! hes the one?"

"yup the one and only, jc caylen"

"wow how cool! do you know alot of other youtubers?"

"yeah, i became a bit of a youtuber myself. ive collabed with connor franta and sam pepper, im best friends with rebecca black, been in louis cole's vlogs and stuff"

"woow that so cool to be honest i mean they are nice genuine people!"

"yes they are" i said and smiled 

his hazel eyes twinkled with the sunlight and his longish black hair flowed in the air like a butterfly (wow how cheesy i know)

once we got off the ferris wheel we went on the first rollercoaster, of four that there was.

"make sure not to scream" i said, teasing him

"dont even worry, you wont hear a peep out of my mouth"

the ride was called the vortex and it was a stand up rollercoaster and it took you upside down and what not. after that, we went on the rest of the rollercoasters and then he invited me to a pretzel and soda.

"well thanks for everything" i said to him taking a sip of my soda

"no problem! do you have a ride home?" 

"uhh..actually no" i said a bit embarrased 

"well i can give you a ride!"

"yeah if it its not a bother, i live like 20 minutes away from here"

"well we can get going if you want" he said

i threw my cup and plate away and we walked to his car.

he put my house address on his GPS and we got going. he played bulls in the bronx by pierce the veil and i asked

"wow you like pierce the veil too?"

"yes, theyre one of my favorite bands. theyre coming here next month arent they?"

"yeah they are"

"we should go together, i mean if youre able to"

"ill think about it!" i said and noticed we were pulling into my neighborhood

"well, let me give you my number so we can keep in touch"

i gave him my phone and he typed his number in and his name as "cody" with the evil face emoji

"well thanks again" i said 

"no problem" 

as i walked inside, knowing no one was inside because there was no cars and the others didnt have a key. i took my shoes off at the door and left them to a side and decided to watch LOL on netfix for what seemed the millionth time, i never got tired of that movie.

i was at the part where lola thinks she sees chad with ashley in the bathroom when there someone ringed the doorbell. i looked out the window and ricardo, destiny and jc were all standing outside. i unlocked the door and they came in. i walked upstairs to my room.

"mary can we talk please?" jc yelled at me 

i turned to look at him and walked to my room and shut the door.

i stayed in there until they all went to sleep and i listened to music and fell asleep too.


oooooo how did you guys like this chapter?? i really liked it tbh

um i dont think im working on my story lost anymore, i came up with a better fanfic idea so yeah

its a jc one, connor's sister and what not. hopefully i have the first chapter up by the end of this week and thanks for the comments and votes!!! please comment and votes babes :-)))) ilysm

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