Chapter 32

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(Harmony's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes...well i think i did open them.......the bed was cold so i know that Pen wasnt here they think being blind will stop me? I will proove them wrong i dont need a damn seeing eye dog or anybody! I got out of bed only to get tangled in sheets and fall on the floor "OW!" i yelled. I heard my door slam open "HARMOY WHATS WRONG!" i heard pen yell. I then felt sparks going through me as he helped me up "Harmony what are you doing" he said sternily. "PROOVING I DONT NEED A SEEING EYE DOG OR ANYBODY'S HELP!" i snapped wiggling out of his arms and walked only to come in contact with a wall and fell backwards back on the floorr "DAMN IT!" i yelled "harmony your going to hurt your self let me make you---" i cut him off "NO! I AM TIRED OF EVERYBODY DOING EVERYTHING FOR ME!!!!" i yelled. "Harmony----" i cut him off again "NO! PENDRAGON!!! JUST NO! I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL PENDRAGON NORMAL!!!!! EVERYTHING BAD ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME!!!! I ALWAYS ASK MY SELF WHY ME! WHY NOT SOMEBODY ELSE!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO FIND THE KITCHEN ON MY OWN!!!! NOT WITH MUM! NOT DAD! NOT YOU NO---" his lips suddenly smashed onto mine causing me to calm down.

My arms somehow found his neck and i was pushed lightly against the wall. I was lifted up and he continued kissing me before pulling away making me whimper "Harmony i am trying i am trying my best here just please dont push me away after i just found you" he begged. I unhooked my legs and slumped to the floor and started crying.

(Pen's POV)

She just slumped to the floor and started crying my heart was shattered seeing her cry. I crawled down and sat next to her and pulled her onto my lap "i-i-i am just so co-o-o-onf-f-fussed! wh-hy m-mee!" she cried out. I just held her silently "everything happens for a reason Baby Girl everything" i whispered. I heard 2 sets of feet and NaNa and Comet ran in. "and your mom or dad isnt hear you were asleep for 4 whole days so you are back in school come on let me make you breakfast" i whispered picking her up and walking into the living room "i heard yelling and crying is everything ok?" Perry asked. "yes Perry why dont you make some frenchtoast with extra extra crispy bacon for her"he nodded and went over to the kitchen.

I set her on the couch gently "thanks" she grumbled "Hey Pen? me,Krista,Mac and the others are heading to class we will be back around 4 and here is her break fast" i looked at Perry "alright" i said taking the plate from him and putting it on the coffee table. I cut up her french toast for herand speered it with a fork "here" i whispered. She growled "I CAN DO IT MY SELF PEN!" she snapped.

She took the bite then snatched the fork from me. I placed my hand by the plate. "alright go ahead" she smiled then tried finding the plate but instead she stabbed my hand "OW!" i yelled. "what?" she stabbed it again and again and again "OK THATS ENOUGH HAND STABBING!" i said taking the fork. She stuck her hand out and found a piece of bacon and ate it. I helped her eat the rest of breakfast "why dont you shift so you can see while i go shower?" she grinned then shifted into her beautiful yet tiny wolf.

(Harmony's POV)

I shifted into my wolf and i could see again! I trotted to my window seat and looked out the window and saw the gold eyes but i looked away. I heard the shower turn off and a door open and Pen digging through clothes. I heard that voice i couldnt help but listen to.


The voice whispered. Ignore it ignore it ignore it. I chanted over and over


I trotted to the door like in some trance and the front door was opened slightly so i nudged it open with my nose and walked slowly down the hallway "Harmony?" Pen called out "HARMONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled. I heard feet pounding down the hallway as i walked down the stairs.

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