Chapter 30

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(Perry's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around "where the fuck am i" i grumbled. "Perry?" i looekd to my side and saw Krista looking at me worried "i am in a hosipital? holy crap a hospital?! oh my god what if i have an alien desease!!!! i dont wanna die from aliens krista wh--" i was smacked on the face "PERRY YOUR DIEING FROM AN ALIEN DESEASE!!!!" i looked at her "oh..then why am i here? am i dead?" she groaned "no dumb ass! your sister went into emergancy surgeory a few hours you were sedated also for not calming down and um....." she wasnt telling me something. I threw my feet off the bed so i was on the edge "Krista what arnt you telling me" a tear slid down her face.

I pulled her into my lap and i wiped it away "whats wrong" i whispered "i-i-i cant tell you....your parents should tell you" she said sobbing. Tell me what? "i-i-i will go get them" she said with silent tears. She walked out and a few moments later my parents walked in very upset.

They sat in the chairs "mom dad whats going on? why is everybody crying? i mean i know she went into surgeory she will make it you know that i mean she is going to make it.......right?" my mom burst into tears and my dad hugged her then glanced at me "son actually we spoke to the doctor---" i cut him off "DO NOT TELL ME SHE ISNT GOING TO MAKE IT!" i growled. "she....she only has 4% chance of survival and even if she does make it there could possibley get brain damaged,paralyized,personality change,we dont know she could possibley be fine or......" i was just to shocked. "or what" i whispered. My father shut his eyes "she could die....Perry i am sorry" my eyes are wide with fear and shock.

" no no NO!!!!!!" i yelled. I was about to continue when PenDragon ran into the room "Jane!!" we looked at him. My mother looked at him "whats wrong?" she whispered. "She just got out of Surgory" he said.

(Pen's POV)

I was sitting in a chair with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. Would she not have been here if i had agreed to taking here Hikinig and horseback riding? Mabye....but something for sure scared her horse and i will find out but why do i have a feeling its that damn ghost!

Everybody went to vist Perry who should be waking up about now then the others were at the cafeteria. Oliver sat next to me i didnt have to look up to know its him. "PenDragon?" i sighed but didnt look up "ya?" i whispered. "she will be fine i assure you" i felt a tear slide down my cheek. "i feel like this is my fault all my fault....."i said more tears sliding down my face.

"Hey hey its not your fault....its nobodys fault something just spooked the horse....." i cut him off by glaring at him as well "NO OLIVER IT IS MY FAULT!!! I KNOW THE HORSE WAS SPOOKED BUT I COULDNT GET HER OFF THE GOD DAMN HORSE ITS.MY.FUCKING.FAULT!!!!!!" i yelled at him. I didnt realize i was now standing up.

He stared wide eyed at me "Um. are you here for Harmony HippoKrite?" i growled "Kryptonite" he looked up "oh i am sorry my bad um are you her.......Fiance?" i nodded. He is a werewolf "may i talk to you.......alone? please if you dont mind?" i sighed and brushed my tears away. He led me to what i assume is a sound proof room. He closed the door and sat at a desk and looked at the papers.

He folded his hands on the desk "Alpha?" i looked at him strange "your in my pack?" he shook his head "no no i am from a nieghboring pack the hospital is on neutral grounds remember?" i nodded "well due to your Fiance being a werewolf that kinda makes her conditions not as bad but her well i just got this bad feeling...' i looked at him "what feeling" i growled. "i just have a feeling she might have some form of blindness i cant be certain though...." my eyes widened. "b-b-blindeness?" he nodded.

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