Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

(Harmony's POV)

Harrrrrrrmooooonnnnyyyyy..........Come to meeeeeee

My eyes shot open as i heard the whisper and went to get up but was pulled back down. I moved what ever it was and my body was taking over.

Harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmoooooonyyyyyy Cooooooooomeeeeee to meeeeeee

It was whispering over and over. I suddenly felt chilly but i kept going on until i was hearing shouts but i couldnt pay attention to anything. The shoutings got louder but it was all just a blur. In the distance i saw a little girl standing there smiling at me. She ran off ahead skipping and giggling. So i started to run "Come on Harmony! lets go play!" she said sweetly. She looked about 10 years old and she held a stuffed rabit.

We approached a lake "come on lets go swim Harmony!" i giggled "ok!" i chirped and skipped towards the lake. She started to go up a really high cliff but i didnt realise it "COME ON JUMP!" she chirped. I saw there were very sharp rocks below "OK!" i chirped when she stood on the side. I ran foward when i clearly heard a scream "HARMONY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" just as i jumped i was grabbed by the waist and was pulled back. I landed on something hard so i started scrambling and thrashed my arms and legs everywhere "HARMONY! HARMONY CALM DOWN ITS JUST ME!" i was snapped back to reality and looked around breathing deeply.

"where?---how?---b-but?" i was just held in a hug.

(Pen's POV)

I was sleeping when i was awoken by my wolf <DANGER! DANGER! MATE! SOMETHINGS WRONG! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE UPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> i shot up immidetly and looked around. HARMONY! i got out and pulled on sweatpants,sneakers and a tshirt at lightning speed and ran out the door. I saw her walking down the hall "HARMONY!" she didnt answer. THE SPELL AGAIN?! "EVERYBODY UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed.

The house soon came to life "DONT LET HARMONY OUT OF YOUR SIGHT SHE IS GOING OUT TO THE WOODS!!!" i screamed and everybody soon understood. She was skipping and running and giggling deeper into the woods "HARMONY!!!!!" i screamed. She didnt hear me so i ran faster and pushed my self.

She approached the lake we were warned about with the cliff that had very sharp and deadly rocks at the bottom?! WHAT IS SHE DOING!!!!!!!!!!  "HARMONY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed she ran foward and jumped when i grabbed her waist and pulled back. We fell to the ground with her pulled into my chest. She started to scrambled and thrash to try and brake free.

"HARMONY! HARMONY CALM DOWN ITS JUST ME!" i yelled and she suddenly stopped. She was breathing heavily and her hair was all over her face. She looked at her surroundings "" she was stutterining. So i just hugged her into a hug and she snuggled into me and started sobbing "whats go on!" she cried out.

I rubbed her back "i dont know but we will find out......lets get you in bed its 3 in the morning" she sniffed and slowly nodded her head.

I picked her up and carried her to the house passing everybody watching wide eyed. When we got to our room i laid her in bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.

She fell asleep when Perry walked in glaring at me "what happened!" he whispered snapped. I sighed "i wish i could tell you..... but it wasnt my fault but if it wasnt for me she would have been dead do you realize that?" he sighed and calmed downa before nodding.

"good now go to sleep" he nodded and left and i knew questioning will be tommorrow. I just sat in the beanie bag chair and watched her.

(Harmony's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock 11am? I yawned and saw a sleeping PenDragon in my beanie bag chair. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I just took my time before getting out. I walked out into my closet and slipped on skinny jeans,a long sleeved white tshirt that is low cut so there is a good amout of cleavage showing and some converse.

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