Chapter 16

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(Harmonys's POV!!!!)

I slowly opened my eyes and slowly sat up looking around. Where in the world am i? I threw the covers off me and stood up holding my head feeling a bit light headed. Why does my head hurt? I took a few steps before placing my hand on the wall for support i took a deep breath and winced in pain why does it hurt? I grabbed the door handle and opened it before resting against the door frame "Harmony you should be in bed" a voice said causing me to jump a mile high.

I turned around regretting it because i winced in pain why does my ribs hurt? or more importantly why is there a cast on my arm and bandages on my ribs? I stared at the guy scared as hell "Who are you?" he frowned and stood up from the beanie bag chair and walked over to me. I walked till i hit a wall and winced in pain "Harmony come lay down. please" he said softly. Who is this dude?! I was scared "who are you" i said again. He sighed "I am your brother......" I have a brother? I was conffused as hell "my brother?" he sighed and took a small step to me "Yes. Your brother Perry Fearless Kryptonite" i looked at him perry that reminds me of the tv show phineas and ferb. I giggled "whats so funny?" he said and i smiled. "you name it reminds me of that tv show" i said giggling.

Suddenly his eyes filled with hope? "Yea and you call me Agent P or sing the theme song for him when ever you see me...." i do? "i do?" he nodded. "you also love art and your best friend is Krista who is in our pack" what the hell? "Who is Krista? and wait Pack what are you on drugs?" his eyes widened.

He took my hand and led me to a different room "this is where all your art stuff is" i looked around they were pretty! "they are pretty who drew them?" he sighed "you" i pointed me and he nodded. He was looking through a pile of paintings when he started growling? His eyes turned black and he was shaking i was starting to get scared.

He suddenly stood up "I will be back" he said through gritted teeth. What is he so mad about? After he left i went to the pile. As i was looking through i saw a lot of painting with pictures of me and this really hot guy. Oooo who is this? he is hot! <mate> a voice after i thought voice something growled <for the last time i am not a voice!!!!!!!!!!!> i screamed bloody murder and ran out of the room ignoring the pain and found a closet before running in and curling up in a ball behind coats.

(Perry's POV)

She doesnt remember anything...... I was currently looking through a pile of her paintings. Most of them was of her and FireStone?!?!?! I felt my yes turn black and i was violently shaking i am so gonna get to the bottom of this! I stood up "i will be back" i said through gritted teeth before storming out. I ran down the 7 floors before barging through the doors to the plaza i was furious "FIRESTONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I roared loudly and everything went dead silent not even a bird chirped.

I saw him sitting with Krista?! I stormed over and he stood up and faced me "What!" he snapped. I growled "WHY IS THERE PAINTINGS OF YOU AND MY SISTER!?!?!?!" his eyes held confusion. "what are you talking about" is he serious?! "ARE YOU JOKING?! THERE ARE PHOTOS OF YOU TO HOLDING HANDS,HER SITTING ON YOUR LAP WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!" i roared as i slammed him against the tree.

Krista started yelling "DONT YOU DARE HURT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!" i looked at her "ARE YOU SERIOUS!? DONT HURT HIM?! GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON WHY!!!" i regret yelling at her but before she could react we heard a voice scream bloody murder and not just any voice Harmonys!

I looked at FireStone the Krista before taking off to the dorm. No suprise them two trailing behind and Mac soon came up by my side then Kendle and Gregory showed up as i reached Krista's room and barged in. "HARMONY!!!!" I yelled running from room to room "DO YOU SEE HER?!" I yelled and everybody yelled no. I heard whimpering from a closet so i ran over and opened the door. I moved the coats and saw Harmony curled up in a ball whimpering she looked freaked out.

"Harmony whats wrong?" she didnt answer she just continued rocking back and forth. "Perry did---what happened to her!" Krista yelled. I looked at her " i dont know"

(PenDragon's POV)

Where was she?! <FIND HER! FIND HER!> My wolf was screaming at me. I KNOW! i saw everybody crowed around a closet what the? I walked over Harmony was rocking back and forth freak out of something. "What happened!' i yelled and they gave me a look that said i dont know. I shoved past them and kneeled in front of her "Harmony?" i whispered softly and she looked at me. I just got lost in her eyes before continuing "whats wrong......." i whispered. I saw tears starting to form so i pulled her into a hug "voice......." she whispered as i rocked her slowly with my chin on her head. "Harmony what voice" i whispered. What vocies is she talking about? "Voices...." she kept whispering. I looked at the others who stared at me in shock "what voices" i asked. "HOW SHOULD I KNOW!" Perry snapped. He earned a smack in the back of the head and i sniggered earning a glare from him.

"voice......screaming at me" i looked at her "what voice screaming at you?" she looked at me silent tears falling so i whipped them away with my thumb. More tears silently fell when the door opened. "why is there screaming" i heard headmaster demand "where is everybody!" she yelled. I picked up harmony and walked out of closet "get me a blanket" i demanded. Krista ran off and returned with a blanket and i wrapped it around Harmony before sitting on a couch she jsut curled up in a ball "what is wrong with her she looks like she just saw a ghost" headmaster said. I then explained everything to her and Perry also talked to her in private. A little while after she fell asleep so i laid her on the couch.

Perry was glaring at me "i would like a word with you" he growled and he walked out of the room. I followed then closed the door behind me "Fine" he hissed. Huh? I cocked my head to the right a little bit "fine what?" he glared "I will talk" he hissed causing me smirk and lean against the wall.

He glared and leaned against the other wall "well will you care to explain the photos?!" what is he talking about "seriously what are you talking about?" he rolled his eyes "well talk !" he snapped. I shrugged my shoulders "ok fine you wanna know why i found her when she first got lost? why i always seemed to get hurt when she got hurt? Why i cant stay away from her? Why I could get her to talk to ME when not even YOU could get her to look at you?" he glared at me before i saw his eyes widened.

"PLEASE TELL ME SHE ISNT......" I smirked "she is indeed my mate" i said. He started growling "NO! your lying! she isnt your mate!!" he roared. Is he Shitting me right now? "Yes Perry she is! DONT SAY SHE ISNT BECAUSE YOU DONT WANT TO FACE THE TRUETH!!!!" I yelled at him. "YOUR A PLAYER SHE ISNT YO---" I just punched him in the jaw "DONT YOU DARE! SAY SHE ISNT MY MATE!" i yelled he just tackled me to the ground. I suddenly heard Harmony screaming after he punched me in the nose. I pushed him off and ran to her. I saw her holding her nose crying "IS THAT ENOUGH PROOF FOR YOU?!" I yelled at perry "SHE COULD HAVE JUST FELL AND HIT HER NOSE!" is this a joke?! "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!" i screamed as loud as i could.

There is nothing worse them took Alphas in a fit of rage "SHE IS MY MATE AND YOU NEED TO GET OVER THAT!!!!!" I screamed. "Um......person with out the bleeding nose?" i sniggered at her calling Perry. He kneeled in front of her "Yes and i am your Brother Perry remember?" she nodded. "um whats a mate?" my eyes widened. No...... "Mate? um......well its just a friendly thing friends say to each other" she grinned and nodded. He then looked at me why do i have the bad feeling he going to make sure she never finds out? <BECAUSE THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO!!!!!!> my wolf roared.









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