chapter 2(photo of PenDragon)

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i am am deeply sorry for this very late upload so here it is CHAPTER 2!!!! over all i am not really gonna write about all the classes all the time


(Harmony's POV)

Gosh! These classes are so boring! i mean come on! what kind of class is mythiology! werewolves? vampires? fairies? seriously this isnt a fairy tale! I was walking with Krista when Perry ran up to me looking nervous time to bust his chops "erm ya um erm H-hey erm um Love" he studdered he always says stuff like ERM and UM and studders thats how you tell when he did something wrong. me and krista looked at each other she nodded "Alright Agent P what did you do this time" we said at the same time as we crossed our arms then we laughed. "i erm um sorta uh well you see...." and the same time we yelled "JUST SPIT IT OUT!!!!!!" he gulped ha! nervous big brother!

we cracked up as he yelled everything out "I NEEDED TO BARROW YOUR CAR SO I DID BUT WHEN I CAME BACK IT STOPPED WORKING IT WONT START I TRIED EVERYTHING BUT NOTHING IS WORK!!!!!!!" he quickly covered his mouth. my mouth dropped "YOU DID WHAT?!" I groaned everytime he does this it always break and he makes it worse. i looked at Krista "well looks like i wont be joining you for a nice friday lunch so um could you go get my tool box and some food Krista?" i asked

she sighed "um yea.....way to go Agent P!" she left and i glared at Perry "you just had to touch my car didnt ya?!" he mummbled sorry before realizing something "SHIT! I AM LATE1" HUH? "for what?" he frowned "lunch duty i um erm got into a fight....." i glared "with who?!" he growled the next answer "that dick head PenDrangon Firestone! and remember stay away from him!!" and he stormed off. ok Bi-Polar much?

I walked over to my car i am really pissed off right now at Perry. i poped the hood and bent over checking every damn! he really screwed up! so many things unplugged he switched wires into wrong places by the looks of it this will take up both my study and Lunch pierod oh just what i needed!. i heard wolf whistles as i bent over. Really guys? all i was wearing was jean short shorts but not slutty short,a pale orange shirt that ties an inch above my belly button and sleeveless, brown ankle cowboy boots.

My hair was in light loose curls and my eyes had a smokey oh and making silver earings! Basic terms and am drop dead sexy. i heard somebody approach my car "Hey Krista!" i heard her chuckle "here" i nodded and took it i grabbed a wrench and started to reattach things.

(Pen's POV)

I GROWLED "KRYPTONITE GET OUT OF MY DAMN WAY!" i yelled he kept getting in my space. i am stuck in this crap hole for MY lunch all because he got into a fight with him because apparently Love painted my wolf ha! ya right! nobody not even MY pack members could paint my wolf! the details are to hard to see. the blending would be too difficult even for vango so ha i dont believe shit!

Lunch was almost over then i would have study to just walk around and eat. some girl came up to me "Hey Dragon" she said trying to be sexy and note the words TRYING now if you want sexy then that would be Love. "um hi" she smiled "uh whats that square thing with the cheese?" idiot its triangle "um girl its a triangle and its pizza" she was confused "why would they make a square Taco?" i groaned "here take the damn 'taco' and leave" she smiled and took it. damn she is like a dumb blonde only brunette(a/n: no offence to the brunettes) "DAMN IT!!!!! KRYPTONITE FOR THE LAST TIME OUT OF MY AREA!!!!" I yelled and shoved him away. he growled so i growled louder when the lunch lady inturpted us "boys you have a lady wanting food!!!!!" we looked then perry smiled "Hey Krista i have Love's food right here and its all paid for" she smield as he handed her the Pizza,chicken ceasar salad,and he had to buy her Arnald palmer iced tea/lemonade and order them Taco Bell Cinnamon twisties. what i smelt them!!!!

"oh and the you know whats are both in this here bag" i whispered and she smiled "thanks Agent P!!!!" and she ran off i heard Firestone dying of laughter "AGENT P? r-really?! hahahahahaha oh thats priceless!!!!!" i laughed and he glared "alright boys scram!" the lunch lady yelled. i walked out side with an apple. i started looking for my pack memebers ugh were are they!

i saw them watching a girl fix a car wait car fixing?! its love! yes! score! i walked over and leaned against her car "Hey Love" i heard a growl.....wait shes a werewolf? "what do you want Peter" Peter who is peter? she stood up "i am talking to you mr! what do you want Peter" huh oh! me! "oh wait! my name isnt peter! its PenDragon! and i just wanted to see what you were doing tonight" she glared.


why does he want a date Peter....erm i mean Parker? i had a party tonight anyways so there is also no way i am going with Parker.....Priston? i will stick with parker. "Parker i have a party tonight and no i will not go with you" he frowned as he ate a cinnamon twistie thats it this is the last straw! i yelled "HEY! PARKER NOBODY AND I MEAN NOOOOOOOOBODY!!!! TOUCHES MY CINNAMON TWISTIES!!!!!" his eyes widened as he took a sip of MY aranold?! i snatched my drink "AND NOBODY TOUCHES MY ARANOLD I LOVE ARALAD!" HE GROWLED WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?! i finished my car and stormed off to get ready with Krista as he yelled out "WAIT MY NAME IS PEN DRAGON NOT PARKER!!!!"


i was now in the car with Perry,Mac N Cheese and Krista "Alright you two remember have fun" i rolled my eyes as i parked the car. i was wearing a Spagehtti strap hot pink cocktail mid thigh dress. it hugged my curves perfectly and made my cleavage looks bigger and not slutty and i have on black stappy 3 inch heels. My hair was curled and ha hair spray. My eyes had black eyeliner and mascara and a light coating of a pink smokey look. i tucked my phone in my bra and walked in. i went straight to the kitchen and got some vodka. i downed it and poured more after 8 drinks of vodka......what i a heavy drinker for such a light weight. so ya i walked up to some hot guy and tapped his shoulder "come on lets dance!" he grinned he grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. Suddenly Party Rock Anthem came on and he turned me so my back faced him. His hands went dangerously low on my hips and we started to grinned. Ugh he is so off beat its like horrible! suddenly i was feeling sparks in my body and the grinding went on beat.

(Pen's POV)

I was in the car with Oliver and Kris they were laughing at me "hahahahaha and did you see how he turned him down like that?!?!?!?"oliver laughed. As Kris continued "it was hysterical when she yelled him for eating and drinking her lunch then called him PETER and PARKER! THEN ON TOP OF THAT SHE LEAVES!!! OH ALMIGHT ALPH AYOU HAVE LOST YOUR TOUCH!" then they both burst out laughing like mad men as i pulled into the drive way i quickly stopped and they hit there heads as i yelled "BREAK TEST!" they growled at me and we walked in. i smelt that familiar scent of rasberries and vanialla. I saw her dancing with Henrey from my pack so i sent him a message as i approached him 'MOVE.NOW my turn to dance with her plus you are way off beat' he nodded. we quickly switch and i went into beat at the right pass.

he relaxed and i felt sparks this felt nice. This was such a turn on for me. The song ended and went to a slower beat ugh! she turned around to thank me for the dance but was shocked "hey where did the other guy go?" i shrugged he rubbed her temple in fustration " i need a drink bye Priston" i growled "PenDragon!" i yelled. I will wait a few minuetes then find her. i went outside to relax where its silent and only a few people.

i smelt rasberries and vanilla outside i smiled. she was drinking something leaning against the house alone. i walked over "Hey love" i said and she smiled "heeeeeeee *hiccup*eeyyyyy Pa *hiccup*rker" i frowned "why do you call me parker?" she grinned she was tipsy but oh well my wolf has been screaming she was my mate since i saw her. she leaned to my ear whispered "because i think its your name" i tucked hair behind her earr "well its pendragon" she smiled "ok" she whispered i leaned in. our lips were centimeters apart when suddenly.................



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