Chapter 4

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(Harmony's POV)

I ran striaght to my room and locked the door mabye this is all just a dream ya! thats it! a dream and when i wake up this will all go away! I saw Krista's shoes i guess she is sleeping. I changed into rolled up sweatpants and a tank top and just sat in the window with my drawing pad. I for some reason just cant stop drawing that wolf. I was almost finished when i heard slipping noises and a somebody  whisper "SHIT!" i looked around and saw nobody.

Oh well...i went back to drawing when i heard the strangest noise.



I ignored it and went back to drawing when i heard it again only it was louder.




I suddenly froze and slowly looked towards the window. I saw Parker or what ever his name is standing in the window outside. I screamed bloody murder and fell backwards of the window seat. Krista came running screaming "Love why the hell did you just scream bloody murder for!" I was breathing deeply "" she walked over to the window and opened it "PEN GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS DORM ROOM YOUR UNWANTED HERE!!!" he glared "well thats not up for you to descide huh?!" what the hell is going on!

"get away or i will get Perry!" he snarled "i will leave as soon as i talk to her!" he snapped. I stood up and screamed "IDIOTS I AM RIGHT HERE! AND NO I WONT TALK TO YOU!!!!!" their eyes widened because i never talk like that to anybody.

My brother soon entered so i yelled "PERRY! GET HIM AWAY!!!!" He glared at the window to see Parker or what ever his name is jump down. I just remembered Perry shifted into a giant wolf! I screamed and ran into my bedroom and locked the door.

(Pen's POV)

First i make her fall off the seat, then she wont talk to me, and now she gets her brother to get rid of me! I hit the ground and Oliver came over "well? how did it go?" i frowned "she wont talk to me" he frowned "that sucks if it will make you feel better her room if right there" he pointed. I nodded and started climbing. Please be unlocked. BINGO! I just sat in the beanie bag chair in the corner. Suddenly she screamed and ran into this room locking the door and sat on the bed. She flicked on the lights with the switch right next to her bed. She got up still not noticing me and grabbed a drawing book by the side table near me. I accidently sneezed she looked at me and screamed bloody murder.

She lost her balence and tripped over a shoe and hit her head on the corner of the table. SHIT! This is going to make Perry flip once he sees her unconcious with blood! Suddenly the door burst open with a pissed off Perry. "WHAT DID YOU DO?! AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!"

I stood up and growled "I CAME TO TALK TO HER AND WHEN SHE SAW ME SHE FLIPPED OUT TRIPPED OVER A SHOE AND HIT HER HEAD!!!" he growled picking her up. I growled louder nobody touches her but me!. "Get the hell out of this door FireStone!" i growled and stormed off out of the room.

(Perry's POV)

I sware to god he is pushing his limits! I was now sitting beside Harmony as the school pack doctor stitched her up. "thanks marvin" he nodded "you might want to explain to her what is going on when she wakes up" i nodded.


About an hour later I noticed she started to stir so i sat up striaghter "Harmony?" she brought a hand to her head and groaned. "My head kills me" she groaned. I chuckled "well you did hit your head and needed stitches" she opened her eyes and looked at me. A moment passed before she started freaking out and screaming "GET AWAY! GET AWAY!!!!" I stood up and held her arms down but she kicked and screamed still "HARMONY CALM DOWN!!! LET ME EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO YOU!!!" She slid out of my arms and backed up against the wall farthest away from me.

I sat don "well its obvious we're werewolves" she froze a moment "what do you mean WE!?" I SIGHED. "You were sent here because your transforming soon our whole family is werewolves infact this whole school everybody is a werewolf"cher eyes went wide.

(Harmony's POV)

Noway! no freakin way!!! "this isnt possible!!!" i screamed. he nodded "it is and you saw with your eyes and knowing probley think we will eat you but we wont" wow my brother knows me so well. "oh and stay away from anybody with the last name of FireStone thats means stay away from pen" who? "Parker" oh "oooooh and i try staying away from parker but he wont leave me alone" he shrugged "dont worry i got this" he said smirking while getting up. I grabbed his arm "woah! i didnt mean beat him up idiot!" he groaned and crossed his arms acting like a 5 year old "fine!"

I walked out of the room and Perry and I went our seprate ways. I was walking down the hall when somebody grabbed me and put a hand over my mouth and pulled me into an empty classroom. I turned around to see who pulled me in here "PARKER WHAT THE HELL?!" i screamed and he groaned.

"for the last time its not Parker! and we need to talk" i glared "last name?" he was confused "i said last name!" he tilted his head but realized the question "OH! my last name its FireStone" good bye i thoguht to my self.

I opened the door but he slammed it shut "where are you going we need to talk" he said. I glared "your a firestone i have to stay away from firestones" his eyes held anger and sadness. "well what if i told you that i dont think i have the strength in me to stay away from you?" i rolled my eyes.

I opened the door but he slammed it again. I growled lowly.....wait GROWLED?! I ignored it and opened the door only to have it slammed shut again "let me go!" i shouted "not until we talk" he said softly. I shrugged and walked towards the window "what are you doing?" he asked.

I smiled "leaving" thats when i climbed out the window and must have jumped at least 3 floors as Parker screams my name. I landed but heard a girl screams bloody murder. I turned around and saw Mac,Perry,Ron Wesley and Edward.

I burst out laughing "y-y-you guys scream like girls!!!!" i laughed even more as they glared."oh shut up Love! wait where did you just come from?"  Mac asked.

i smirked before speaking "up your but and around the corner" his mouth dropped as everybody cracked up "naw i joking Mac N' Cheese i came from that room 3 floors up" everybody's mouth dropped. I smiled and walked away "bye boys!" i walked to my car.....ok so i skip classes a little bit...........or alot but Perry skips lunch duty! I saw the hood up what the hell?

I looked in and same some people removed wires i groaned. I sniffed the air and smelt Parkers scent what the fuck?! I grabbed the tool box in my trunk ignoring the wierd things happening. I was using a wrench when a shadow went over me.



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