Naruto was overjoyed. No one had ever offered to train him. Best of all, it was offered by the strongest Biju in the world, or so he thought. (A/N: The Ten Tails is the strongest.) There were still a few things he needed answered though. "Before we train. I have a question?"

"What is it?" Not surprised he's already asked the fox like 5, the beast went over in his head. Needless to say, Kurama was getting slightly irritated with the blond's barrage of questions. 

"What's your name? I mean... it can't actually be Kyuubi. Can it?"

Now he was even more shocked. No one ever asked him that question. "It’s Kurama."

"Kurama?" Huh, interesting name. "Nice to meet you Kurama. My name's Naruto Uzumaki!!"

"You're... different from my other jailers," Kurama announced, memories of his past flooding all of the sudden.

"That's not a bad thing is it?" Naruto asked, worry laced in his voice.

"No, it's not," the fox assured. "I'm just not used to people being nice to me is all."

"That's sad. You don't seem like a bad guy to me."

"Anyway," Kurama began, trying to change the subject. "Before we begin training. There is something we need to do."

"What would that be?"

"I need access to your senses, if you want me to be able to train you. It'll allow me a better understanding of your skills. So we could accommodate them accordingly. This will also heighten your natural attributes a great deal, allowing your sense of smell, sound, sight, and taste to be far greater than any other human being."

"Ok," Naruto said with a smile, then he realized something. "How do I do that?"

"You see that seal on the gate?" Kurama pointed a claw at the paper with a Kanji on it, located in the middle of the gate. "Rip off half of it, and then I'll tell you the next step." 

"But how am I supposed to reach it?" Is he expecting Naruto to jump or something?

"I'll help you." Kurama started to lift Naruto in the air with his chakra, just until he was at the seal. Once there, Naruto took no hesitation in ripping it in half, allowing it to float into the water and vanish from sight. It was almost like it was never there. Kurama then pushed open the gates and walked out until he was in front of the blond. "Now you just fist bump with me, and the merger will be complete."

The blond fist bumped with the giant creature. Suddenly, a surge of energy was felt throughout his entire body. He could now hear all the separate drips of water within his mind, and smell the scent of himself and Kurama. The instant stimuli disoriented him, and he fell into Kurama's paw. A couple seconds later, he was recovered. "That felt weird."

"One more thing," the fox spoke up, grabbing the boys attention once more. "Can you change the appearance of this place? It's kind of drab and depressing?"

"Sure. Umm... how do I do that?"

"Just imagine what you want the place to look like, and it will be presented out here." 

Naruto imagined a simple Konoha training ground. The sun was high in the sky and there were a couple benches, along with beautiful green hills. To his amazement, the room took on the appearance of the image he saw in his mind.

"Nice choice Kit," the Beast praised, admiring the landscape that now surrounded him. Ahh much better than before.

"Nowww can we train?" The boy asked, getting a little impatient.

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