Saturday-The Battle of Our Lives

Start from the beginning

"Don't be late." I mocked.
"AND NOW HE'S LATE." I screamed.
I swear I heard my throat ripping.

"Now now, Scarlett." Aqua hushed.

This dude is takin' foreva.

The ground began to shake abruptly.
"Elena now is not the time." I muttered. "I'm angry too you know."

"I'm not doing anything." She said as I turned around to look at her. She was right. The ground was shaking on its own.

We all huddled together with our backs against each other in battle position.

The cracking of the ground stopped for 5 seconds. We stood there confused.

Suddenly,something produces a loud rumbling sound and the ground rips apart as easily as paper.

Lava boiled underneath the floor of Demroy and a weird hairy creature flew up from the lava. The floor closed itself again.

"Sorry to keep you ladies waiting my name is Utain I am master of everything and I am the most powerful and I am—."His conceitedness was cut off short.

"Don't you ever, you know, pause in between your sentences? It's lacking punctuation." Aqua cringed.

"Way to make an entrance." I mumbled.

Elena scanned his body. "No sense of style, hairy and not to mention....NAKED?! Oh my eyes are going blind after this and the battle still hasn't begun!"  Utain quickly looked down and covered "it" with a leaf.

Rachel sniffled the air. "Have you tried deodorant? "
She pointed to Utain's armpit accusingly.

Utain's face turned bright red.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled, making the birds that was chirping and the breeze go completely silent.

Utain gave an evil smirk, proud to silence us all.

"Boi, are you sure this gorilla is the powerful one?" Elena chuckled, ruining the whole silence.

Aqua and Rachel giggled, while I choked.

Utain wasn't amused and gave Elena a glare which made her stop laughing.

"Well then." He clasped his hands together and Elena's eyes fell on his body again with distaste.
She shuddered.

"I'm already dead. I'm suffering from a rare case of kill-me-now disease." She planted the back of her hand against her forehead and rolled her eyes to the back of her head.

Utain coughed." I see I have to start this battle early, or this friend of yours is going to die before I get to the fun part of killing you all."

Yesh does he think that sickness joke is forreal?

Elena now jumped up and down. "GUYS HOW DO I BRING MY EYES BACK TO THE FRONT?!" She panicked.

Oh my lord. I facepalmed.

"Got it!" She said finally, giving a thumbs up.

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