Chapter 37

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~*~ 1 week later ~*~

~Katy's POV~

I had already been up for forty minutes when my alarm started ringing, announcing me that it was now 8 o'clock. My mother arrived at the airport at 9.30 am and I couldn't afford it coming a second too late. She was always on time, a quality that wore off on me. I got really annoyed when I only came a few minutes too late. And since yesterday evening, I was so excited that I could barely keep myself from jumping around all the time. That was the reason why I had been up so early and why I had only slept six hours and wasn't tired anyway. 

The only thing I could think of was seeing my mum again. I'd missed her so much. Every girl needs her mother and when she left me on my own, I was incredibly down. I always had this kind of bond with my mother, the one where you could tell her everything, even though she was your mother. We were like best friends, and when your best friend leaves, it is normal to be sad. 

But I couldn't think of anything better than seeing her after so long. Would she tell me that I'd grown? That I was even prettier than when she last saw me? God, I was so happy to be able to have her close to me again. Hear her voice in the morning when she woke me up. Feel her hand brushing through my hair while my head was laying in her lap when we were watching a movie. Smell fresh pancakes when I woke up. 

I'd missed her so much that I couldn't even form a sentence. No words could ever explain the pain I felt when she'd told me that she would be working a lot from other places now. I'd cried a lot that night. When I thought back to it, I could still feel the ache in my chest. 

I shook my head to gather my thoughts again as I blow dried my hair. I was wearing a pair of plain jeans and a flower printed blouse. I remembered the way she always used to buy them for me and I screamed at her that I wasn't her mannequin. Secretly I loved it though, that she thought of me when she saw those things. Back in middle school, I despised them and only wore them when I was sure that no one would see me that way, but now I loved them. I loved how prettier they made you look and how beautiful you feel wearing them. 

My hair was dry now and it cascaded down my back. I brushed through it and pulled it in a fish tail braid. Then I checked my watch for the hundred time today. it was only 8.20, so I still had loads of time. I sighed and leaned against the basin. Right then, my stomach started to grumble, reminding me that I hadn't eaten since noon the day before. I had been too excited to eat something, but now I was even hungrier. So I left my bedroom and jogged down the stairs into the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood to make something big, so I decided to just eat a bowl of muesli. 

I rinsed the empty bowl with water before putting it in the dish washer. I checked the time again, but since the last time I did so, only fifteen minutes had gone by. I groaned loudly, falling down onto a chair. I closed my eyes and smiled at the thought of me hugging my mother after so long.

"Oh, suck it." I muttered as I got up and searched through the hallway for my favourite pair of white converse. Once I found them, I put them on, along with a black leather jacket. I snatched the keys from where they hung and made my way outside, where the car was waiting for me. I unlocked it and slid into the driver's seat. I turned the radio on even before starting the motor and drove backwards out onto the street. 

The drive to the airport took me twenty minutes, so I was there at 9 o'clock. Still thirty minutes early. I sighed and slumped down onto one of the chairs in the almost completely empty waiting area. I pulled out my phone of the front pocket of my jeans and checked it for any new messages. There were none, but I was too bored to let that go. So I opened a new text message to Niall and told him that my mum was about to arrive. I was about to clock send when Zayn's hurt face flashed up in my mind, remembering when I'd told Niall first that my mother was coming. I quickly changed the accepter to Zayn, then hit send. I put the phone on vibrate, so I would surely notice it when he replied. 

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