Chapter 22

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A/N: Dedication to FlawlessFirefly! Thanks for your lovely comment! The others were awesome too, so keep commenting it makes my day:)

~Katy's POV~

"You sure you'll be fine?" Niall asked me for the seventh time today. I groaned in response.

"Yes I'm sure! I'm not a little kid anymore." I spoke confidently exiting the car, in which Niall had brought me home.

I opened the luggage space, ready to pull out my little suitcase Niall had packed for me for the time in the hospital, but Niall slapped my hands away.

"Let me do this for you." He said as he grabbed it and pulled it out for me. I rolled my eyes at him. I wasn't some fragile little kid! But I thanked him anyway and walked with him up the stairs to my house.

"So the boys are already over at yours?" I asked Niall as I pulled out the key for the house. Niall nodded in response.

"You know that you can come over whenever you want to." He assured me as the door swung open and the familiar scent of my house hit me. I smiled at him and grabbed the suitcase.

"I know." I replied as I entered and pulled my stuff with me. Niall wanted to followed me inside, but I stood in the way and eyed him up and down.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked him as I raised my eyebrows. He went back outside and I nodded. "You've got a place to be. Go and join your friends!" I said as I pushed him direction his home. He chuckled and waved one last time before he disappeared in the house.

I closed the door and inhaled deeply. Finally I was out of this hospital! It smelled so over-clean and I won't even mention the food there. I was so glad that after one torturous week I could finally go home.

I still couldn't remember very much, but Niall had invited me over for tonight, so that he could explain everything I wanted to know about the last year.

I didn't quite understood why he didn't just told me in the hospital, but he must have his reasons.

I plopped down on the couch and sudden wave of tiredness came over me. That didn't surprised me much, considering a hospital isn't the best place to sleep. The whole night, you can hear these annoying beeping noises, nurses footsteps and now and then someone screams. It really isn't very relaxing.

"Oh my god! She doesn't open the door! What if something has happened to her when I left her on her own? What of she's passed out? Or if someone came in and killed her?" I heard a familiar voice shout outside. I opened my eyes and looked outside the window. It was already dark outside.

The shouting continued so I swung my legs on the floor and forced my over tired body towards the front door. Now Niall was telling the other boys on which different manners I could've died. I couldn't do anything but smile at his concern.

I opened the door to reveal all the boys, trying to comfort an upset Niall. He sat on the top stair and pulled at his hair. Nobody had noticed me yet and Niall was still convinced that I was dead, so I coughed to make them notice me. All their heads snapped in my direction.

Niall sprung up and pulled me in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh my god, I thought you were dead." He said practically in tears. I just laughed at him and looked at the other boys who looked relieved as well.

"I was just asleep in my couch." I told them and shaking my head. They jumped to conclusions way too fast.

"I knocked over and over again, but you didn't opened. You had us worried sick!" He told me enveloping me in a hug again. "Don't do that ever again!" He said sternly.

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