Chapter 23

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- Please read the author's note at the end! It's important!! -

Dedication to my friend Zara (ZaRa124) who made an account on here, is now addicted to it and blames it on me;)

~Katy's POV~

"We have a reservation for Malik." Zayn told the man at the reception. He nodded and typed something on his computer. The man was probably in his early twenties, so he wasn't that much older than us. He actually looked quite fit..

The man interrupted my thoughts as he announced that our waitress for tonight would bring us to our table. I smiled at him and Zayn pulled me behind him towards the table where our waitress was already waiting for us. We were sat in a corner, away from most of the other guests. It was probably to keep fans from noticing us, and I didn't mind, because this night should be all about Zayn and I.

I looked at the entrance and caught the man at the reception looking at me. As he noticed that I'd seen him staring, he quickly looked away and I was pretty sure that a slight blush was creeping up his cheeks, even if it was hard to say 'cause we were seated so far away from him. I smiled to myself and Zayn turned around too, looking in the same direction as me.

"What are you looking at?" He asked curious. I looked away and back at my date.

"Oh, nothing." I looked down at my menu. "What are you going to order?" I asked almost desperately trying to change the subject, but Zayn obviously had other plans.

"Don't try changing the subject, because both you and I know how awful you are at that." He started, making me smirk. He was right. I was awful at changing the subject. "So, what were you looking at?"

I rolled my eyes at him and decided on just telling him, not wanting that such a little thing could ruin the mood. "I caught the boy at the desk looking at me and I looked back. That's it. So can we please just order and eat now? I'm starving!" I joked, trying to lighten the mood again. Zayn didn't seemed as happy.

"Excuse me for a second." He said as he stood up and marched towards the guy at the reception. I buried my face in my hands, not wanting to see or hear how he acts towards the guy. When I looked up again, Zayn was on its way towards me again, a satisfied smirk on his face. Then I looked at the boy at the reception, just to make sure he was okay and caught him looking at me again, but when he noticed me this time, he quickly looked down and typed away on his computer.

Boys, I thought before locking my eyes with Zayn's again as he sat down.

"He won't be bothering you again." Zayn said, pride in his voice.

"He wasn't both-" I tried to argue, but Zayn didn't let me as he interrupted me in my sentence.

"Have you chosen yet?" I looked up and saw a mischievous grin on his face. I chuckled and ignored his deliberate provocation.

"I think I'll go with the chicken filet. What about you?" I asked him, skanning the menu one last time, just to make sure I'd seen everything on there.

"I'll take the steak with french fries." He smiled at his choice and called the waitress over.

"Hello. What can I do for you?" She asked kindly and looked at us, waiting for us to give our orders.

"I'll have the steak. And for my lovely date the chicken filet please." Zayn ordered both of our meals and I smiled at his description for me. The waitress scribbled something down on her notepad and looked up again.

"Something to drink?" She asked.

"Oh, I'll just have a water please." I ordered and waited for Zayn to also order something.

"I want a coke please. And two cups of champagna for the lady and I." He winked towards me and I blushed again slightly. He enjoyed making me blush and it was good for him that I blushed so easily.The waitress smiled at us and wrote down our drinks.

"Sure. I'll be back soon with your champagne." She said before walking off towards the bar.

"So what do you think from the restaurant?" Zayn asked as he locked his eyes with me again.

"It's really nice." I complimented as I looked around and noticed all the cute details which made the place really charming.

Zayn smiled at me and announced proud that he had chosen it. We continued talking about our favourite locals and bars and date ideas 'till the waitress came back with our champagne.

We thanked her and sipped on the champagne while talking about our personalities.

"If you could choose, what animal would you be?" Zayn asked, earning a funny look from me.

"What kind of question is that please?" I asked while laughing at him. He just shrugged and I decided to answer his quite weird question.

"I think I'd be a bird. I could jut fly away from everything and from all of my problems. It must be awesome feeling so free." I ended my sentence and lost myself in my thoughts. I thought of every time when my life was falling down on me and I'd imagined just flying away.

Zayn seemed to notice my sudden mood change and decided that he needed to lighten the mood again. "I would want to be a fish. I can't swim and it must be cool knowing to breathe under water." I smiled at his animal choice and continued to talk about animals.

It was nice that Zayn didn't asked why I'd been so lost in my thoughts and gave me personal space. That made him even sweeter.

I think I started falling for him.. And I couldn't quite decide if I should be happy about that or not.


Guys, I have a major writers block and that's the reason why this chapter is so short.

I need you to help me, so please write your ideas in the comments. I will choose an idea and dedicate the chapter to the owner of the idea.

If you guys give me much ideas, I will update sooner. If I don't get any, I probably won't be updating till the writers block goes away.

So it's in your hands! Comment you ideas below and don't forget telling me if you ship Kiall or Zaty!

Vote and fan!

Thank you for your lovely ideas that you'll comment!

Kik me whenever: Catherinebxx

Snapchat: cathy_o

~Catherine x

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