Chapter 15

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~Katy's POV~

Who do you believe more? This words were the entire time in my head, and I knew the answer but I just couldn't accept it. Amy was staring at me intensely and after a while of silence she just shrugged it off. "Whatever. Where do you want to go?"

I was glad that she changed the subject and didn't forced me to answer her question. We exited the Starbucks and went into the TopShop. I loved this shop and so did Amy. We both tried to forget about our uncomfortable conversation. We shopped some new shirts and decided to walk home, since it was very hot outside.

After about 5 minutes walking, we arrived at the park where Niall and I were this morning. I was about to pass by quickly when I glanced inside. I was about to have a heart atack at the sight of what I've just seen. There was Nathan with another girl! I stormed in the park towards the bench where this asshole and his bitch were sitting. I was standing now in front of them and the slut gave me a questioning look while the cheater mumbled an 'oh god'. I gave them a fake smile before starting talking "Having a nice time 'boyfriend'?"

The bimbo looked at me wide eyes before starting speaking. "What are you talking about? He's mine boyfriend!"

"Well, you can have him!" I shouted at her and slapped Nathan right on his face. I stormed off where an shocked but proud looking Amy was standing. I felt my eyes watering and Amy pulled me in a hug. "Nice job.." She said and I chuckled slightly. I mumbled an 'thanks' while sobbing into her shirt.

I pulled away and I felt some strong arms twirling me around and I faced Nathan. I looked at him with a disgusted look. My sadness turned into anger and I cut him of when he started to give me some low excuse "she's just a frie-" I slapped him once again, mumbled an 'asshole' and made my way towards Amy who had pulled up with her car. I sat down in the passenger seat and we drove quickly to my home. I stepped out of the car, thanked Amy and made my way towards Niall's flat. I knocked at his door and after one minuter or so, a terrible looking Niall opened up. He was pale and had dark rings under his eyes. "Katy?" He asked, confusedness clear in his voice.

All the feelings came back and I started crying once again. What the heck was wrong with me? I did never cry. Niall stepped closer to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I started sobbing into his chest and he tried to comfort me. "Shh, love it's alright! Shhh"

" w..was right.." I cried out loud and I felt when the thin grey cotton who covered his chest became wet with my tears. But it didn't bothered him and I was glad it didn't. After a while I heard footsteps coming near us but Niall sent the person away and continued holding me tight in his arms. We stood there for what seemed like ages when I had finally calmed myself down. I pulled away and Niall looked at me with his blue eyes who I'd grown to love. He held my hand tight in his and he'd a look on his face who made me feel like with this look, he would know everything about me.

"I know.." He told me, answering my earlier statement. I nodded and decided to pull away. I cleared my throat, turned away and started to awkwardly walking away when a strong hand grabbed my wrist.

"Wait. you forgive me?" Niall asked, twirling me around, so I was facing him. I felt uncomfortable under his intense gaze and didn't knew what to respond.

"Niall.. I-" He cut me of.

"No, no it's okay. It's not like you had just cried for over half an hour on my shoulder after the biggest asshole on this whole wide world cheated on you." He held his hands up in defence and I had a guilty look plastered on my face. He was being so nice and I just rebuff him.

"Wait..Niall." I sighed heavily before continuing. "I maybe.. uhm.. can forgive you.." I looked up at Niall who was staring at me with a hopeful look on his face.

"Really?" A smile played on his lips as I nodded slowly. He tackled me in a bone crushing hug and I chuckled softly. I was about to pull away when I lost balance and fell on the floor. Niall tried to held me but failed miserably and fell on top of me. He looked at me sheepishly while I raised an eyebrow at him. Just then Zayn came out of the flat and saw Niall and me lying on the floor. It must've look funny and Zayn seemed not too pleased to find us in such a position.

Oh god, I hope this wont get awkward..


Hope you liked this chapter! What do you guys think will be happening? Does Katy starts liking Niall? Or Zayn?:o

The picture is Katy when she finds out about Nathan..

~Catherine x

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