Chapter 11

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Travis' POV.

I woke up this morning and Remington wasn't in her bunk. I texted her and called, and still no answer.

I hated her never being on the bus, it's been a month and I've barley seen her. I know her and Ryan are friends, but I really can't deal with it anymore.

I got ready and got up to go to catering, Bama, Landon, and Atiana were still sleeping.

I walked to catering and saw a table filled with people wearing black. Well if it wasn't the Motionless crew. I saw the guys and Shelby, along with another girl.


She was sitting next to Ryan.

I sighed and ignored it as I walked to get a water. I kept looking at her, she was talking to Korel then Rya leaned over to her and wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head.

My jaw tensed and I shook my head.

"Remington Angelique!" I yelled.

She quickly turned around as Ryan took his hand off of her waist. She stood up quickly and looked at me.

"H-Hey, Dad."

"Bus. Now."

"Dad I-."

"Now, Remington!"

She sighed then turned around to look at the guys. She said goodbye to Ryan and left.

She walked up to me and sighed. I shook my head and walked out of catering.

"Dad. Please, I can expl-."

"I don't want excuses, Remington! This ends now! You and Ryan and whatever the hell is going on! You will be on the bus while I am there and you will not be aloud to see Ryan!"

"Dad! Stop! No, why are you doing this!?"

"I'm done, Remington! I am done! No more questions! Get back on the bus and that's final!"

"Goddamnit! I'm eighteen, leave me alone!" She yelled back at me.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that!"

"I fucking hate you! I hate you!"

"Remington Angelique Scott Barker!" I yelled as she ran off to the bus.

I sighed as I looked down at the ground. I turned around and saw all the Motionless boys standing there.

Ryan looked at Remi running then back at me.

"You! You're going to fucking get it!" I yelled as I ran over to him and before I could think I raised my fist and punched him. He fell back.

"Travis!" I heard Mark yell behind me.

"C'mon let's go." Matt said grabbing my arm along with Mark.

"Don't ever fucking come near my daughter ever again!" I yelled as they pulled me away.

Ryan's POV.

I was on the ground holding my nose, I'm pretty sure Travis broke it.

It was my fault, I shouldn't of been too touchy towards her. I knew Travis would have a problem with it, and I was an idiot.

"Ryan. C'mon let's go get you to the bus." Shelby said as she helped to get me up on my feet along with the other guys.

I walked back to bus, and when I got there I laid down on the couch in the front lounge.

Shelby, Korel and the rest of the guys helped the the blood off of my nose and clean me up.

"Ryan, we should take you to the hospital." Korel said looking down at me.

"What? No. I'm fine."

"Ryan, this could be serious."

"I'm fine, Korel." I said as I slowly stood up and walked to my bunk. I took off my shoes and laid down.

I pulled out my phone and saw numerous missed texts and calls from Remi.

I quickly dialed her number and called her back. After a couple rings she picked up.

"Ryan! Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Matt and Mark just told me what happen. And I can't believe my Dad would do that. I'm so sorry, Ry. I-."

"Remi. It's okay. I'm fine, love."

"I'm coming to your bus."

"No, Remington. I don't want you getting in anymore trouble."

"Ryan. I don't care, my Dad shouldn't have done that shit. I'm coming, Ry."

I smiled to myself. "I'll be here, love."

She hung up and after about thirty minutes. I heard a knock at the bus door. I quickly got out of my bunk and walked to the front lounge. I saw Remington standing there with my sweatshirt on, her eyes were red and Ricky was trying to calm her down.

I quickly walked up to her. She looked up at me and her eyes widened. She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Ryan. Oh my God." She said as she pulled back and looked at me.

"Rem, it's fine. I'm totally okay."

"My Dad hit you, this isn't okay." She said softy looking up at me.

I sighed. "C'mon." I said as I grabbed her hand and walked towards the back lounge.

We sat there and talked for a couple hours then we decided to watch a movie. I set a pillow on my lap and she laid down on it. I covered her in a blanket and stroked her hair.

I've fallen in love with someone I can't have.

Synthetic Love ~ Ryan SitkowskiWhere stories live. Discover now