Chapter 35

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Ryan's POV

I was standing outside of one of the local bars smoking a cigarette with some other guys from the bar. I've been out here for almost an hour. These guys are super interested in hearing tour stories and where we've traveled. I didn't mind talking about it, they kept it entertaining.

"You know when the next tour is? My wife and I are definitely going. We were both out of the state when you guys played in Scranton last." One of the guys asked. His name was John, he's a regular here at the bar.

"We have something coming, but it hasn't been announced yet."

"Another U.S tour?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I chuckled as I inhaled my cigarette.

John laughed and nodded his head. "I'll be there."

I laughed then saw the door to the bar open. I looked over but didn't think anything of it. Then, I heard a familiar voice. More so, a laugh I've heard before. I leaned forward and looked down the sidewalk.

It was Remington.

I knew it was. I couldn't see her face but the street lights lit up her body. Her hair, her purse, I knew it.

"Remington!" I called out.

She stopped. She was with some guy, the guy turned to her and said something.

"Remington!" I yelled again.

She then kept walking. I shook my head and took off after her.

"Remington! Look at me!" I yelled as I managed to catch up to her. I grabbed her arm and she spun around.

"Hey man. Don't touch her! I don't know who the fuck you are, but you gotta watch it. Leave her alone." The guy said putting himself in front of her.

Remington kept looking down at the ground.

"I'm her ex boyfriend. I'd back the fuck off if I were you."

The guy raised his eyebrow. "An ex is an ex for a reason. Leave her alone." He said standing in front of Remington.

"Or what?" I said flicking my cigarette and getting up in his face.

"Stop." Remington said as she wobbled in between us.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How fucking drunk are you?!"

She looked up at me, the whites of her eyes were red. She was high too. "Just a little bit." She said laughing then putting her hand over her mouth.

"Let's go, I'm taking you home now." I said sternly.

She laughed and raised her eyebrow. "Dude, you don't even like me."

"Remington, quit. You're drunk."

"I'll be in charge of taking her home." The guy said looking at me.

"How drunk and high are you? You're an idiot if you think she's getting in a vehicle with you."

"Hey. It's okay, he'll call my Dad then I'll be in all sorts of shit." Remington said laughing as she looked at the guy.

He put his hand on her waist. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Okay. Be safe okay, I'll text you." He said as he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She smiled. "Bro can you turn around?" She said looking at me. I rolled the fuck out of my eyes and turned around.

I then heard another kiss and Remington chuckle. "Thank you for tonight, Ayden."

Synthetic Love ~ Ryan SitkowskiWhere stories live. Discover now