Chapter 25

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Ryan's POV :

I drank one too many beers and passed out on Ricky's couch. After I saw the video of Rook and Remi, I didn't want to feel anything. I'm pissed off, I'm angry at myself, at Remington, and especially that mother fucker Rook.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes and saw all the guys sitting outside. So I got up and stumbled on outside.

I walked up to all the guys and sat down next to Chris.

"Shh." I heard. All of them immediately got quiet as I sat down.

"Jesus what now?" I said rubbing my forehead.

"Your phone." Ricky said putting it in front of me.

"Why do you have my phone?" I said as I reached over and grabbed it.

"You have some missed calls, and some texts." Devin said looking at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned on my phone.

Travis Barker (14) missed calls.

Travis Barker (1) new message.

My eyes widened as I opened my phone and clicked on the messages.

Travis - Father's intuition is always right. I heard everything that you said to Rook, I heard the way you yelled at Remington, I know what happened. This is exactly why I told you to stay away from her from the beginning. And you didn't listen. But I swear, this time I mean it. Stay the hell away from Remington. Do not go back to her house to grab your things. Either I can have someone pack your shit or I could go and deliver them to you myself. Don't brother returning my calls. It's better that way.

I sighed and threw my phone on the coffee table.

"I fucked up so bad, and now she's with Rook."

"Ryan. We don't know anything. They could just be friends." Devin said looking at me.

I scoffed. "Friends? So what friends just grip their other friends ass? Just out of the blue? Especially a 'friend' who likes the other person? I lived with Remington! I never inappropriately touched her! We never even had sex! She's a virgin. I never ever wanted to pressure her for anything! Cause that's one thing I am a man about. Remington's a beautiful woman, but she respects herself so much. I could never take that away from her. Unless she would have wanted to."

I looked up and made eye contact with Rick. He gave me a sad smile. I then turned to look at Chris who had his nose in his phone.

"What? Did Rook post something else?" I said rolling my eyes as I stood up and walked to the cooler. I grabbed another beer then sat back down and took a drink.

All the guys stayed quiet. I looked over at Chris again.

"I was fucking kidding. Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

I grabbed my phone from off the table and looked up Rook's name on Instagram. I clicked on his story and clicked through the picture of him and Travis, and the video in the hot tub. Low and behold, there was another picture posted twenty-five minutes ago.

It was a picture of Rook and Remington. They were standing in front of Travis' front door. Remington was wearing a long, fitting black dress and some heels. Her dark long hair was curled. She was smiling. Meanwhile, Rook was wearing a black button up and black jeans. He had those stupid braids in his hair and he was wearing a snap back. He had his arm around Remington's waist, and he was smiling at the camera as well.

I felt a lump in my throat. I then clicked through the picture and there was a video posted fifteen minutes ago. It was a video of Rook recording Rem while she was walking towards the car. He had the flash on and then I turned up my volume.

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