Chapter 42

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Ryan's POV

Today we were in San Diego, CA. Celeste's brothers were coming to the show today. I was getting my clothes ready for the show and grabbing a few things for my guitar from the bus.

"Hey." Celeste said walking up to me, she stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheek.

"Hey." I said smiling. "Your brother's here yet?"

"Atlas just texted me and said they were walking to the bus."

I nodded.

"Ryan. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what's up?" I said looking at her.

"I know you and Ayden have your issues because of her. I was just wondering if you could try and get along with him."

I sighed. "Yes, Celeste. I will. I promise. I'll be better." I said as I reached over and gave her a hug. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her close. I then leaned down and kissed her. I felt her smile between the kiss.

So, here's the deal with Celeste and I. After my fight with Remington. I felt like I completely snapped out of all of my anger. There was no point in arguing with her. I had to come to terms with the decision I made to leave her and end our relationship in the first place. It was my fault. I fucked it up. It wasn't my place to protect her anymore. I was angry at myself and at everyone else, and I was just so tired of it. I couldn't live my life being miserable. I woke up one day and just decided enough was enough. Celeste is right in front of me. She's interested in me, she wants to be in my life. She listens to me, she's always there to put a smile on my face. What am I waiting for?

We've been getting closer and we had a little "first date" a few days ago. Which was just us eating pizza and watching movies in the back lounge. But, I had a great time, I didn't even think of Remington. In that moment, I was happy. We kissed that same night and I felt butterflies. Not anger, not guilt, just happiness. I hadn't felt that in a while.

Remington being around my bandmates is something that's going to take a little more adjusting. But, I'm willing to work on my anger issues and learn to get over it, or block it out. I know the guys love her, and they're all good friends. Remington is a good person. She has a kind soul, she's one of a kind. I understand why the guys have all developed a great friendship with her over the past year. Travis did a hell of a job raising her. I really was so lucky to have been someone she took an interest in.

"Move over, love birds. This is a small space." Chris said trying to squeeze by Celeste and I.

We both laughed as we walked to the front lounge. Suddenly, there was a knock on the bus door.

"I think that's them!" Celeste said smiling as she walked towards the door.

"Hey!" I heard her say. "Come in!" Atlas and Ayden walked into the bus. Atlas walked up to me and shook my hand.

"Hey, man." He said smiling.


Ayden stood next to Celeste with his arms crossed.

"Ayden." I said nodding my head at him. He did the same.

"Ayden come on. Don't be like that." Celeste said looking at him. Ayden didn't say anything.

"Babe it's fine." I said looking at Celeste.

"Babe?" Ayden questioned furrowing his eyebrows. "Celeste what the fuck? He's your boyfriend now?"

"N-No..kinda? Not really." Celeste said looking at me.

"Yeah. I am."

Celeste looked at me. A huge smile spread across her face.

Synthetic Love ~ Ryan SitkowskiWhere stories live. Discover now