Chapter 41

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Remington's POV

It had been a few days since my argument with Ryan. I had been on the Blink bus for almost 5 days now. I hadn't been going to the shows, and the only time I ever left the bus was to sit outside. I've just been ignoring everyone, including Vinny, literally everyone. My phone's been on do not disturb for days now. I just needed a reset; I needed to be by myself and just breathe. My phone has been blowing up of course, but I haven't had the desire to answer anything or anyone. I know Vinny and the Motionless guys are worried. I hear the whispers between my Dad and my uncles. Landon's told me that they do ask my Dad or my siblings how I've been doing.

I was sitting in the front lounge writing some notes to send to Roseanne about an upcoming palette. Atiana, and Alabama went to go watch Blink's soundcheck, so I was alone on the bus.

Until the door opened, I looked up and saw Landon. He smiled at me.

"Hey." He said walking over to our kitchen areas and grabbing a bottle of water.


"What are you up to?"

"Just work stuff. Writing some notes for Roseanne. I'm about to send a few emails."

"Have you eaten?"

"No, not yet."

"Come on. Let's go to catering."

I looked up at him. "No, it's 4:30. And I know Motionless' schedule. The last person I want to see right now is Ryan."

"I'll go with you. You don't have to worry about anything. If someone says something I'll be ready." Landon said holding his fists up.

We both laughed. "Quit." I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Come on." He said walking up to me. He pulled my notebook off of my lap and threw it down next to me.

I sighed as I got up. I was wearing a blank tank top, some black sweats, and bright pink socks. I had no makeup on and my hair was down in its natural straight state. I put on my slippers and looked at Landon.

"You look horrible."

I gasped. "Fuck off!" I said as I playfully hit his arm.

He laughed as we both walked out of the bus. "You don't look any better. You need a hair cut."

"I'm growing it out." Landon said running his fingers through his hair.

"Ugh, gross."

"Shut up." He said rolling his eyes. "You can catch these hands."

"Try me."

"Oh I'm so scared." Landon said mocking me.

We both laughed as we walked to catering. We were about to walk in the doors. Landon was in front of me, I grabbed his arm before he reached for the door.

"Can I just wait for you out here?"

"No. We're going in there. Together." He could see the unsureness in my eyes. "I'm right here. I'll do the talking." I nodded looking up at my not so little brother.

"I'll grab the food. You grab the drinks." He said opening the door. I walked in and didn't even turn to look at the seating area. I stayed extremely close to Landon. We were in line to grab the rest of our food. Until Landon turned to look at me.

Synthetic Love ~ Ryan SitkowskiWhere stories live. Discover now