Chapter 9- Liam- The Street Dancer

Start from the beginning

Liam didn't say anything, he only pulled his friend into a hug. He heard Harry let out a shaky breath into his chest and felt his shirt slowly become wet from his tears. Liam held him close, rubbing his back, and letting Harry's sadness crash into him like waves.

“I just wish I could see them again. I don't want them to think I'm dead.” Harry's muffled voice sobbed.

“I know how you feel,” Liam soothed. “When I decided to do this, I never told my parents. I only knew they would say no. When it was time for me to start my training, I just up and left in the middle of the night. No note, no message. And now I'm sure they're wondering what they did wrong that made their son ditch them and I bet it's killing them not knowing where I am or if I'm safe...” Liam trailed off, the lump in his throat preventing him from speaking any further.

Harry let out another shaky breath and pulled out of Liam's arms and looked at him with red, teary eyes. “You really did that?” Harry's voice was still thick with tears as he spoke.

Liam nodded, his own eyes watering. He didn't trust his voice to say anything.

Harry stuffed his hands into his his hoodie pockets and sniffed, staring back at the floor again. “Wow,” He said. “I'm really sorry,” He looked back up at Liam who had grown stiff in an attempt not to cry. He tried not to think about what he had done to his family, but he knew he had to tell Harry so the boy would know he wasn't the only one hurting the ones he loved. Basically, Louis was the only one who hadn't left his family behind for this life, as he had none to start with besides Simon.

Liam heard Perrie hang up the phone behind him just as the elevator doors opened up behind Harry, Niall and Louis stepping out. Liam and Harry quickly wiped at their eyes and cleared their throats when the rest of the world started to move around them again.

“Hey, guys,” Louis called chalantly as Harry stepped next to Liam's side.

Liam cleared his throat one more time before answering. “Hey,” He said with a smile.

“Since we have the rest of the day off, we figured we should go on a walk around the city for a bit.” Niall offered. “You know, for fun,”

“Sure,” Harry said and then looked at Liam. Liam smiled and nodded at the boy.

“Great!” Louis said. “Eleanor's coming, too, if nobody minds.”

“I mind!” A voice said behind them. Harry and Liam turned around and Niall and Louis peeked around the two boys to see Perrie trying to scowl at them, but a smile played at her lips. “Now you've left me all alone with nobody to talk with!”

Just then, the elevator dinged and Eleanor stepped out, wearing a camo green jacket with black leather sleeves, a black shirt underneath, and black jeans. She gave her sweet smile to everyone in the room. “Hello,” She said in an almost a shy voice. “Are you ready?” She asked Louis, her hands were folded in front of her as they clutched the straps on her black hand bag.

“Yeah,” Louis said, smiling at the girl. Liam had to admit, Eleanor was beautiful. There was absolutely no denying why Louis was head over heels for the girl. Plus she was just an over all sweet person and that made her irresistible to the oldest boy.

“Ok,” Eleanor's smile widened when Louis looked at her.

“Traitor,” Perrie muttered loud enough for Eleanor to hear.

Eleanor looked at her friend. “Aw, Per, I'll get you something while we're out. I promise,”

“You'd better,” Perrie said in a threatening tone, but the smile in her eyes told everyone her pouting was mostly a joke.

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