Chapter 34- One Direction- Jedi Master

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~Quick note: I love it when you guys are reading on the mobile app and highlight a passage to comment on it. Love it love it love it! Feel free to do that all throughout the rest of the chapters cuz that just helps pick apart my writing even more and it's really helpful. Pic of superhero 1D on the side with a legit background :D... Continue ;)~

 “No, Liam, stop!” Zayn said, jumping off the bike and backing up. Liam was right in front of him now. He swung the deadly sharp swords straight for Zayn's head, but Zayn anticipated the attack and bent backwards just as Liam made a move to Zayn's now vulnerable stomach. Zayn jumped back in time, but Liam was not phased by missing his friend twice and advanced towards the 21 year old with a fierce look on his face.

“Liam, let me explain!” Zayn tried to say.

“You can explain?!” Liam howled, taking another swing at Zayn who dodged it again. “Explain to me why I shouldn't gut you right now.” His voice was becoming rough with rage and his attacks were becoming quicker and harder to avoid. Zayn was wearing his super suit, which would protect him from the blades, but Liam was pretty much aiming for his head. “You hurt them!” Swish! “You were going to kill them!Woosh! “How do I know this isn't some trick, Zayn?” The air sang as Zayn just barely sidestepped another jab in his direction. “Huh? Explain that!”

The other boys were now trying to stop Liam, but their attempts at grabbing his arms and pulling him back were completely pointless. They may as well have been trying to move a mountain.

“I- I know this looks bad-” Zayn stammered. He could feel sweat starting to drip from his own hair line. “Please, just stop and let me talk.”

“You could have killed them!” Liam screamed, swinging the katanas in a blurred fury. There was no stopping him now. Zayn was almost running backwards now, too frightened to turn his back on Liam. The massive boy made a quick lash for Zayn's throat, missing him by a fraction. Zayn felt the back of his head brush up against a brick wall when he leaned away. He realized he was trapped just as Liam did. Liam took the opportunity to ram himself into Zayn and pin him against the building.

Liam dug his forearm into Zayn's wind pipe and held the katana just under Zayn's chin. Zayn could feel the cold metal biting into his flesh and he struggled to breathe against Liam's weight on his neck. The rest of Liam's body held Zayn against the wall, keeping him from moving his hands or kicking his legs to get free.

“Liam, stop!” Niall shouted, grabbing Liam's shoulder, but Liam remained immobile as he looked Zayn right in the eyes with a savage look.

“Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now,” Liam threatened in a low, rough voice.

Zayn couldn't open his mouth to breathe. The movement would only cut Liam's sword deeper into his skin. His breath came out quick and shallow through his nose. “I couldn't help it,” Zayn said through a closed mouth, trying to turn his head to a more comfortable position so he could talk better. “He gave me something...” Zayn was starting to see black around his vision from lack of oxygen. “It was like a dream. I was like a puppet. It was so powerful, I had no idea what I was doing.” He choked out in a strained voice.

“Then how do I know you're still Zayn? How do I know that whatever he gave you isn't still in you?” Liam demanded. “Answer me!” He rammed himself hard against Zayn, squeezing some of his precious air from his lungs.

“Liam get off of him!” Louis said anxiously. But none of them were trying to stop him anymore. Zayn wondered in the back of his mind if they were all curious about Zayn being one of them again.

“It was like the morphine!” Zayn felt tears rolling down his eyes as he tried his best to shout, but it only came out raspy and suffocating.

“What?” Liam said, curiosity finally cracking the mask of pure anger on his face.

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