Chapter 37- One Direction- Finale

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~So I was going through the comments on the last chapter, and a couple girls were saying that after reading this, they needed tissues, cuddles, and tea. So, virtually, I have supplied you all with these items, along with ice cream and other foods for those who care to take it. The cuddles come from giant stuffed teddy bears, fluffly blankets, and soft pillows. If you are unable to locate these items, I recomend that you take a moment from your reading to locate your own "comfort" selections and then proceed to the remaining chapters with caution.

This is your only warning.~

 “Unfortunately for you boys, none of you will live to see your day as superheroes,” Mr. X said loud and clear over the speakers.

“But... How?” Liam breathed.

“I have come to realize that One Direction are more trouble than their worth, and I have other ways to get what I want. Simon still has the designs for the pod, I just have to find them. Killing you will be much easier,”

There was a click and then bullets shot from the gun. All the boys tried to jump out of the way as the pavement in front of them sparked from the gunfire. Harry instinctively put up his hands and the bullets pelted against his telekinetic wall. He flinched every time one ricocheted off, but his power held firm.

“Liam, take out the gun!” Louis ordered from his side of the street. He and Niall were both laying next to each other on the sidewalk and Liam and Zayn were doing the same across from them.

Liam nodded, picking up a good sized car that sat parked near him.

“Harry,” Louis said firmly as Liam walked. Harry's eyes flickered over to Louis, then Niall. He dropped his hands, switching off his power so Liam could throw the car. Harry cringed back, but before his arms were even at his sides, Niall shot over to Harry, tackling him to the ground out of the way of the onslaught of bullets just as Liam threw the vehicle with all of his might.

Harry and Niall both peeked up from their tangled embrace in time to see the car go sailing through the air, hitting the gun by the side and knocking off the front in a twist of metal.

“Direct hit!” Liam cheered.

“We still need to shut it down,” Niall said, getting off the ground and helping Harry to his feet.

“And don't forget, I still have an army for you five,” X taunted. Another plate descended, bringing a fresh band of troupes. Before the panel even hit the ground, another shower of bullets came their way from the soldier's guns.

“After I was stabbed,” Niall said as Harry put up another force field. “He told the soldier to shut down. That means it's got an off switch. Either by voice, or there's actually a switch, I don't know. But maybe we can turn them all off.”

“Well,” Louis said. “If there is a switch, it's inside.”

“How do we get in there,” Harry grunted as the androids stepped off the panel and continued firing.

Zayn thought for a moment, looking the robot up and down. “There's a hatch!” He said suddenly. “Right at the top! The armored plating was too thick for me to electrocute the first time, but I bet I could short out the whole control panel if I can get back in there.”

“I'll fly you up there,” Niall volunteered. He took a step towards Zayn, but winced and stumbled, grabbing his stomach in pain. Liam caught him before he could fall.

“You're too weak for that,” Louis said gently, helping Niall find his balance again.

“Liam,” Zayn said. “Do you think you can throw me?”

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