Chapter 3- Louis- Liam Payne

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~Here's Louis' part! He's gonna be a bit of a jerk face for this little while, but don't worry. He'll get over it.~

Niall stirred in his sleep, making Louis jump out of his chair. It was almost eight in the morning and Louis hadn't slept at all, trying to keep Niall comfortable.

“I'm ok,” Niall said sleepily with his eyes still closed. “But you need to get some sleep.” He rolled over on his back and looked at Louis through half open eyes. “Because you look worse than I did last night.”

Louis chuckled and sank back into the plush chair that sat in the corner of Niall's room. “I'm not sure if that's possible.” Louis said. Although he did feel sick the entire night. Niall's burn was a lot worse than he had expected and it took a lot of his energy to try and heal him. He wasn't throwing up every time he tried to heal someone now, though. That was good. He remembered the first time he had ever tried to save someone with his powers.

Coincidentally, that person was Niall.

They were childhood friends. They grew up together in Doncaster. Niall was originally from Mullingar, Ireland, but he and his mum and brother moved to England after Niall's parents divorced. They played football on the playground on Niall's first day at Louis' school and have been pretty much inseparable ever since.

“How are you feeling?” Louis asked, trying to get the first time he saw Niall in his sickened state out of his head.

Niall tried to stretch, but flinched when the movement pulled at the tender skin on his back. “A little sore still, but it feels like a sunburn more than anything now.”

“Here, roll over so I can help.” Louis strolled over to Niall's bed. Niall sighed and did as he was told. There really was no point in arguing with Louis.

Niall was right though. The spot on his back which had been charred and bleeding all night was now just as red as a bad sunburn. Louis placed his hand on Niall's back, making Niall wince at the contact, but relaxed as soon as Louis started to glow.

Louis braced himself for the wave of nausea that was sure to come, but only felt his stomach do a flip instead. Good. He was getting better. Simon said he would.

“Just like old times, huh?” Niall joked as the red on his back slowly faded to his normal skin tone.

Louis chuckled sleepily. “Yeah. Except this time I can actually save you.”

“Aww, don't be like that,” Niall said, rolling over on his back again. Louis just shrugged and started to walk around Niall's room. It was a lot smaller than the rest of the boys' rooms, but that was what Niall had wanted. He didn't want one of the big, fancy, extravagant floors like the rest of the boys.

Louis walked up to Niall's desk where he had his acoustic guitar sitting next to it. On the desk was a binder full of sheet music. Louis started to flip through it, remembering how talented Niall was at music. That's why the blonde boy had gone to New York City in the first place. He wanted to be a musician.

Louis started to read through one of the songs. He spoke one of the lines out loud, without rhythm or tune to it. “'Shot me outta the sky. You're my kryptonite'.” Louis said. Niall paused from putting on his shirt, realizing what Louis was reading.

“Yeah,” He said with a bit of a blush on his cheeks.

“I think I know who this is about.” Louis teased. Niall blushed harder. “So when are you going to ask her out?”

Niall turned to Louis with a horrified look on his face. “Probably never!”

“Oh come on!” Louis exclaimed. “One day you're going to save the entire world, but you can't even muster up the courage to ask out the Starbucks barista from across the street?”

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