Chapter 2- Harry- The Gunmen

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 ~So I was trying to fix some chapters and wound up deleting them all. Grr. So here's the new chapters! Enjoy!~


"Niall!" Zayn cried, running to his friend.

Harry could already smell burning flesh as everyone rushed over to Niall.

“Leave him!” Simon said to Zayn, strolling over to the group.

“Niall I'm so sorry,” Zayn ignored Simon, tears starting to form in his eyes. “It was an accident.” The fire on Niall's back had already gone out and he was bleeding badly. “Please, I'm sorry.” Zayn was starting to sound hystarical as everyone tried to hold him back from the wounded boy.

“Paul,” Simon said to the big man. Paul nodded and started to pull Zayn away from the group. Zayn tried to fight against him so he could be next to Niall, but Paul was much bigger than him and kept him at bay. “Louis,” Simon looked at the eldest boy and then looked down at Niall.

Louis dropped to Niall's side instantly. He, too, was crying over his friend. “Niall, I'm sorry, mate, but this is going to hurt for a second.” He placed his hand directly on Niall's wound. Niall screamed even louder and tears rolled faster down his cheeks as he thrashed around. Louis ignored Niall's protests and began to focus on the burn. In a few seconds, Louis began to glow blue. The halo of light didn't just fit Louis' form, but it stretched out and wrapped around the Irish boy, too. Instantly, Niall relaxed and let out a sigh and his burn started to heal instantly.

After a few minutes, Louis pulled away, gasping. “That's all I can do right now,” He sounded disappointed in himself. Niall had healed enough to have an angry red mark between his shoulders and parts of the skin were scabbed over. It's better than having a huge burn on your back. Harry thought.

Niall, who had passed out as soon as Louis started to heal him, stirred in his sleep and started to groan.

“Good job,” Simon said, patting Louis' shoulder. “I'm proud of you.” Louis gave a weak smile. He looked exhausted. “Rehearsals are over for tonight, boys.” Simon announced to the rest of the group. “Liam, I want you to help Louis get Niall to his room. Louis, I want you to stay with Niall for the night.”

“Yes, sir,” Said both the boys in unison. Liam placed his sword on the ground and carefully picked Niall of the ground. Niall let out another little groan but didn't wake.

“Harry, I'm going to ask you to help Paul pick up the weapons.” Simon said.

“Yes, sir,” Harry nodded and went to pick up Niall's staff.

“Zayn,” Simon said a little more gently. Harry turned around and saw Zayn sitting on the ground, his face in his hands. Harry could hear him crying still. Zayn looked up at Simon, his face shiny with tears.

“I'm so sorry,” Zayn wept. “It was an accident. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone!”

“I know, Zayn.” Simon crouched next to him. “But we've talked about this before. You and I both know that you keep your emotions bottled up too much. And they come out with your powers. Even when you aren't feeling angry, it's just sitting there, building inside of you and it's going to come out at the most random times, just like now.” Zayn looked over at the spot where some of Niall's blood was. Harry looked away, thinking Zayn had caught him eavesdropping.

Another sob erupted from Zayn's mouth, racking his body. Zayn covered his face again and started to cry all over again. “I've been trying,” His voice came out muffled through his hands. “I'm never going to get that image out of my head. Niall dropping to the ground like that and his screams!” Harry looked down at the staff, tears welling in his eyes as the recent memory came flooding back to him. The smell of burning skin and the sizzle it made, too. Harry wasn't sure if anyone else had heard that over Niall screaming, but he had been right next to him. He could have pushed Niall out of the way or something! But he didn't.

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