Chapter 26- Harry- The Debut

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Harry could hear the clinking of glasses and silverware and the low murmur of quiet conversations from where he stood behind the red velvet curtain. He stood almost at attention with the rest of the lads and they were all facing Simon and Paul.

“Now boys,” Simon told them for the millionth time that day. “Everyone here are very important people. If- when you impress them with your skills, they will pay to help study further in our field of science. They will fund for new equipment, scientists, everything!” He paced in front of the boys, his hands clasped behind his back, but Harry could see how tense the man's shoulders were. Harry could see the worry in his eyes and how small beads of sweat had been forming on their leader's forehead just along his hair line. Simon was extremely nervous about tonight.

They all were.

And who could blame them? Tonight was the night. The night all of them had been dreaming of. Tonight they were being debuted to the world as One Direction, the first ever superheroes. All of them were on pins and needles just thinking about not having to sneak around anymore.

As the Harry and the boys geared up, Harry's mind wandered to Tori. He wondered what she was going to think of him now that she would know he had powers. And he would explain to her that's why Simon had been so harsh. Simon would probably still not allow them to date, mind you, but at least she would know the truth of things. That is... If she ever returned his messages again. Tori hadn't called or texted him back since Simon had interrupted their date over a week ago.

Harry had tried to get Dani to talk to her, but it seemed Tori would have none of it. Dani was the one that had set them up in the first place. The two had been living together in Dani's beat up apartment until Tori had gotten an amazing job and moved out two months ago. The two girls were still best friends and talked to each other all the time!

The night after Simon had kicked Tori out of Head Quarters, Harry had received a very angry call from Danielle.

“What the hell did you do to her?!” The curly haired girl's voice demanded over the phone. “She's at my house right now, completely in tears, and all I can get from her is that something happened between the two of you!”

Harry made a sound somewhere between a groan and a sigh and he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “It's... Complicated, Dani.” He lied. I'm really a superhero, and she can be used as my weakness by any enemies I encounter in the future.

“Like hell it is!” She spat. “What happened? Did you fight? Did you hurt her?” Her voice darkened on the last question. “I swear to you, Harry Styles, if you hurt her-”

“I didn't hurt her!” Harry said a little too loudly. He took a deep breath to calm himself. “I didn't hurt her.” He said quieter. “Look, Dani. It's something that's really hard to explain, ok? Just... Give me some time to explain myself to her, alright? I promise, I will tell her what had happened. Just give me time to let it blow over back at my place. Please.”

“Harry,” Dani said carefully. Her voice sounded almost sad. “I don't know what happened between the two of you. But if you don't get your shit together soon, I think it's going to be over. Tori's not the kind of girl that just sits around and waits for a guy to 'figure himself out' or whatever. If there's another girl or something, you need to get your act in place and man up.”

“There is not another girl!” He said through his teeth. “God, Dani, you don't know anything about what happened! Quit accusing me of shit I haven't done!”

“Then tell me what's happened!” The edge was back in her voice.

“I... Can't,” Harry said, running his hand through his hair again.

I'll Be Superhuman (One Direction Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora