Chapter 4- Louis- The Bully

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~I was telling a friend about a part in this chapter and she said that some Liam girls might enjoy it. So... Enjoy!~

Louis tried to avoid Liam for the rest of the week, but it was harder than he thought, especially for being in Simon's huge mansion. Liam mostly occupied the dojo. Simon filled it with all of Liam's boxing materials: dummies, punching bags, and work out equipment. Louis was told not to go in there for a while. Liam still had serious training to do before he was given his powers and he was stuck at Simon's side. Louis never had an opportunity to talk to his godfather any more. Liam was taking everything from him!

Every bit of anger towards the young man boiled up inside of Louis to a point at school where Niall had to ask what was bothering his best friend.

“Simon has a new pet now,” Louis growled.

“What do you mean?”

Louis couldn't tell Niall much about his godfather's scientific research, so he explained as best he could without giving anything away. “He's been working on a new experiment. It seems it's safe to test on people, so I volunteered to be the first to have it tested on. But this boy apparently is better for the job and he's taken over the house.”

“Sounds to me like someone's jealous.” Niall teased. Louis shot the blonde a deadly look. “So, uh, what is this experiment supposed to do?” He asked.

Louis shrugged. “Not sure,” He lied. “Simon wouldn't tell me,”

Niall clapped Louis on the back. “Hey, well maybe it'll turn the pet's brain to mush and you can have the mansion back to yourself again.”

Louis laughed. “If only!”

The bell rang and they both headed to their next classes.

* * *

“Tonight's the night!” Simon said a week later. He and the two boys were both sitting at the dinner table. Liam's face lit up with a huge grin. Louis glared down at his plate. Liam wasn't allowed to eat anything that night. Simon said the machine could cause him to throw up or something and he could choke on it and die. Louis half hoped that would happen, but pushed the thought out of his head. He wasn't that cruel.

But tonight was the night Liam was finally getting his powers. After dinner, Simon and Liam were going to go down to the lab and get started. Louis was full of rage. He didn't want Liam to choke on his own vomit, but he still hated him. Louis should have been the first. With the way he was acting too, he knew Simon would never let him now. He'd been an ass ever since Liam stepped foot into the house hold. He shoved Liam aside when they passed each other in the halls of the house, hit him when he thought Simon wasn't looking, and said “Shut up, idiot, nobody cares about you,” When ever Liam spoke up about something. He had really just taken all of the fun out of Liam's stay. He didn't care thought. Liam had ruined his chances of ever being something amazing!

Simon finished his food and stood. “Are you ready?”

Liam jumped to his feet, his grin broadening. “Absolutely!” He walked behind Louis' chair and Louis abruptly pushed himself from the table, making Liam trip over the leg of his chair. He didn't fall. He stumbled and caught himself on the corner of the table and turned to glare at the older boy.

“Sorry, mate,” Louis said sarcastically. “Better watch your step next time,” He smirked as Liam glared at him.

“Come on,” Simon said. Liam walked in front of him. Simon turned and looked at Louis. “I'll talk to you later!” He mouthed. Louis gulped. He didn't think Simon had seen him. Now he was in trouble.

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