We walked over to Peyton's car to wait for everyone. Once they all arrived, we left.

The park was about 30 minutes away. I didn't really like roller coasters, and every time we came I refused to go on. But eventually I gave in.

I tried to talk to Cameron a lot and get him to open up.

"So where are you from?" I asked.

"I'm from NY, I moved here last month."

"Hey I used to live in NY too!"

"Really? Where?" he asked.

"Long Island area."

"Oh cool, I'm from Montauk."

We laughed and talked in between rides, and rode together for most of them. We even exchanged our numbers.

At around 5, we left and Peyton dropped us off at our houses.


Cameron: Hey Rowan, wanna meet up at Starbucks or something?

Rowan: Sure that sounds fun. Meet there in 10?

Cameron: Sounds good.

I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. Starbucks was only a 5 minute walk from my house.

As I walked into the building all the memories came flooding back or Matt kissing me, and Corey running.

But I shook it off, ordered my frap and sat down.

Cameron came and got a latte.

"So what's it like filming Girl Meets World all the time?" he asked me while sitting down.

"It's really fun! Our cast is really close and we hang out a lot."

"Are any of you guys dating? Cause I seem to get that vibe from Peyton and Sabrina."

"Oh none of us are, but they have a thing going on." I didn't tell him about me and Corey because I felt that'd be a little weird. I mean he kissed me but didn't ask me out so ???

"Oh cool."

We talked more about our past life, and what if was like in LA.

When we were finished we walked outside.

"This was fun, we should do it again sometime." he said while hugging me.

I felt my body tingle.

"Yeah, definitely." I replied while turning to leave.

I walked home and went straight to bed. I was really tired and confused.

Did I like Cameron?

****The next morning****

I woke up at around 9:30, put on my slippers and went downstairs.  I poured myself a big bowl of Cocoa Puffs. 

When I was done, I showered, dried and curled my hair, put on makeup, and got dressed.

I left my house around 11, and went to the studio. Today we had our first live taping of season 4, so we had to reverse our lines.

"Hey Rowan!" Cameron called out as I walked in. I went over to him.


"Listen I had a lot of fun and id like to take you out tonight, if you want." he said while taking my hands.

Just then Corey walked in and came over.
"Hey guys," he said.

Cameron dropped my hands. I looked down at the floor.

"Well Rowan, Michael wants to talk to you so," he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his trailer.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Stop it with him." he replied.

"What was I doing?" I asked.

"You were holding hands."

"He grabbed my hands, what did you want me to do?"

"Um pull away and tell him you're taken?"

"But I'm not. You see Corey you make this big deal about us being 'together' and you never asked me out."

"Well maybe I shouldn't if you're going to run to guys like him."

"Maybe you shouldn't." I said while running out of his trailer and slamming the door behind me.

I ran into my trailer and cried. If he said he liked me and would never hurt me then why is he causing me such pain?

Maybe I liked Cameron. But I love Corey.

I love Corey.

But who cares. He obviously he doesn't love me back.


Hey guys, sorry if I broke your heart at the end!

Thanks for reading! This is kinda short, so I win probably put another chapter up today!

Comment what you think is going to happen between Rowan and Corey.


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