You Are The Moon (30)

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  For the next few weeks you got used to everyone and they seemed to trust you more and more after the whole sith thing finally washed over.

  You made a few friends but you tried to stick close to Rey as her and Luke tryed to help you control your anger insted of letting it be your advantage. But then again that's all you knew but the more you trained and practiced the more you realised that you only needed your power and the force to achieve the power that you needed.

  "You are learning very quickly (Y/N) I'm most proud to call you my student," Luke said, and you could finally call yourself a Jedi in training: letting go of the darkness inside of yourself.

"Thank you master," You bowed.

  Luke frowned for a second and stroked his beard for a second, "What did Kylo teach you exactly?" He asked you and it was something you haven't thought about in a long time.

"He tought me how to use the darkside of the force to give him power. He is crazy! And I don't know what he will do next," You said and it had been a long time since you would even waste your time thinking about Kylo Ren.

"Has he said anything about a plan or anything useful?" He asked you. All these questions just came out of nowere and you couldin't help but answer them.

  "I know a few things about the new star killer," You told him about all the power the whole thing had and how no one could get in without any help and you needed to be appart of the first order to get in.


  Later on in the day you just felt kinda sick and your head almost felt as if it burned and as soon as Luke noticed that you were being distracted he asked you what was going on and you couldin't really answer until he looked up.

  You eyes ended up tracing up into the sky as well and that's where you saw app the ships in the sky and finally Star Killer base itself. You quickly snapped yourself out of it and you grabbed your staff and held it in hand ready to run but Luke stopped you with a hand on your shoulder. "You must let them come to you (Y/N). Don't fight with anger," He warned you and you listened: watching as all the ships touched the ground and everyone basically had the thing under control.

  Rey came running up from the base and she said: "Master we are under attack! We have to get you out of here!" She said before Puke held up a hand.

"Kylo is strong but not strong enough. Stand your ground, the both of you," You watched as Kylo stepped out and you felt as if your stomach dropped, from even looking at him, even though you would consider yourself being completely safe with your master and Rey.

  His head jolted your way and he was clearly stairing at you and then at Luke. "Look who I've found," He said and everyone seemed to stop. "Isin't it Luke Skywalker himself," Kylo chuckled.

  "Kylo Ren, my nephew. Look what happened to you," Luke said looking over to him.

  Your eyes widened when you saw a little boy no older then maybe 14 or 15 years old next to Kylo, holding a saber. You could feel his energy from just being a couple feet away. "Stand down and we could just leave it at that," Kylo shouted through that stupid mask of his. He always wore it just to feel like he put his big boy pants on.

"We are not going to give up that easily, Kylo," You snered.

"And she talks to. It's been a while (Y/N) and I'm supprised that you are still alive," It pissed you off how he would just toss you away like that, "But I'm not here for you (Y/N)."

  Luke looked over at him and then he ordered for you and Rey to prepare for battle and you pressed a button on your staff and the electricity came out and Kylo backed up and the little boy started to float in the air and you called war and the ships took off and the resistance soldiers on the ground did their job. Suddenly, you looked up at the boy and electricity started to firm around him in some sort of ball and then his eyes started to glow.

  You snapped out of it when a Trooper shot your shoulder and you screamed and attacked it. It wasin't long before the trooper was dead on the ground. You completely lost yourself in a angry bliss where everything around you was dying.

  Luke fought Kylo, but this time Luke knew what he was up against. But then you felt the head aches started to peirce through your head again! Visions started to flow through your head! Your mind felt as if it was taken over and you saw:

  A stromy night where everyone's defences were lowered just enough to wake the demon.

  It seemed as if children were sleeping peacefully until one after the other were taken in their sleep to sleep forever and never awake. But a few of the stronger ones would sence what is going on and they would quickly try and save as meny as they could until they were taken down.

  A group of knights were killing them, and their leader; Kylo Ren. Was fuiled with anger and killing was the only thing that could sooth that hunger.

  Then you snapped out of it and the little boys energy field was realised and you went flying into the forest. Everyone else was either killed or Savery hurt. But you were far away from the battle!

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