"I Found Him Like This" (16)

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- Chapter 16

   My eyes flashed open and no one was to be found or even near by. Kylo was gone and the strom troopers left me to die like this.

I haven't been hurt this bad in my life.

   It hurt to even try and get up and find a way the hell out of here.


  I got up clenching my side and wincing in pain since I have basically been thrown across the room and knocked out.


   I found a way out and it was getting dark but something lead me deep into the forest as I raced as fast as I could to find them, wich wasn't really that fast at all.

  I heard the sound of lightsabers clashing together and Ben screaming, "You need a teacher! I can show you the ways of the force!"

  I passed a young man from before nearly dead before Kylo lost the battle and was forced onto the ground with his face sliced open. The ground split and the girl was pushed far away from him as she ran as fast as she could away from the man.

"Kylo!" I screamed runing through the snow and falling down beside him. Yet he seemed to be breathing and still yet alive. His eyes shut and he passed out. "No! No no no! Don't do this to me! Wake up!" He didin't answer just gritted his teeth in pain.

   I grabbed him and tryed to drag him back to the base, but he was far to heavy. I couldn't do anything. I reached back down for the communicator on his wrist and I pressed the first botton I saw.

"This is an otherised code, state your business Lord Ren," A man from the other side of the com said.

"This isn't Lord Ren! He is unable to get up at the moment I need help! Please send what ever you can hurry,"

"Right away,"


  Yet again for about an hour help didin't arive and Ben still didin't wake up. I was alone on this dicision of his life. The sky was dark and I only hoped that help would arive soon and it did. A ship landed not to far from us and Hux came out first.

"You're still here aren't you? I'm General Hux, we have to get him abord he will die if he don't!"

   He noded and sent a few strom troopers to carry his body into the ship.

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