Obesssion (15)

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A/N: Major spoiler this chapter! If you haven't seen the force awakens yet you shouldn't be reading this!


- Chapter 15

The next few weeks I lived alone for the time being. As every day passed here on star killer base it killed me a little bit inside. I was at least stairing out the window watching for anything as the cold snow implaneted itself onto the window and freezing it compleatly.


After a few months after Ky got pulled into another mission. Yet the whole entire base was far louder than ushal. I heard troopers running around outside of my room and shots being fired. It sounded almost like a war it was so god damn loud.

For some reason knowing that I would regret doing it I opend the main door leading out side. I guess the merdous Kylo Ren himself forgot to lock a damn door with a prisoner  in it that he cared so much about. Yet I didint care, I stepped outside and passed a few strom troopers that really didin't care that I was moving around the place.

They were leaving!

All of the troopers seemed to be trying to get away from somthing as blaster fire came from the other direction. I heard a young girl screaming, "We have to go there are far to meny of them!"

I couldin't help but find another way out of here by following the noice of their constant runing away from the troopers.

I couldin't help but find another way out of here by following the noice of their constant runing away from the troopers. I didin't even understnad what I was doing at the time. I just wanted out of here and away from all of this madness!

I followed them all down the hall when I got a better look at who these people were, one of them seemed to be an older man with grey hair and a brown jacket. Another cought my eye, a younger woman who looked as if she had just gotten out of here. She had dark brown hair tucked back in three buns along with her skin being light and fair. Another man followed them with slightly darker skin, along with a Wookie along with them. I could only guess that they were with the resistance. "Come on we need to plant these bombs," The young girl orderd as they did.

Bombs? Oh my I need to get out of here!

I spent a while trying to keep up with them moving all around the base before they were all done and they apporched the main bridge. I hide on the other side away from them, I saw Kylo approch closer and closer to me as the older man yelled at him, "BEN!"

Ben? No one had even knew his real name unless-

He turned around and the older man was only a few feet away from him, yet he said nothing. "Han Solo, I have been waiting for this day for a long time,"

"Take that mask off you don't need it," The older man says, as Ky still faced away from him,

"What do you think you will see if I do?" Ren asked him in that deep robotic voice.

"The face of my son," The older man says.

Son? Ben must be-

He slowly lifted up the helmet and threw it onto the bridge making a loud sound, that eachoed through out the place. "You're son is gone, he was week and foolish like his father! SO I DESTROYED HIM!"

"That's what Snoke wants you to beleve, but it's not true my son is alive."

"No, the Supreme leader is wise."

"Snoke is useing you for your power, once he's done with you he will crush you," Han came closer to him as I could see everything that was happening from a safe distance. "You know it's true,"

"It's too late,"

"No it's not, leave here with me come home, we miss you," Han says face to face with the monster,

Ben looks at him sadly, regretting everything, "I'm being torn apart. I know what I have to do but I don't think I have the strength to do it. I want to be free of this pain. Will you help me?"

"Yes anything," Ben pulled out his saber and held it out in front of him, giving it to his father. Han held onto the weapon, but Kylo still didn't seem as if he wanted to give it up. He grasped onto the weapon and impaled his father through the chest.
"No!" The girl from before yelled as Ben eyes his father as he was slowly dieing.

The wookie let out a sad howl.
I screamed and jumped out from hideing and said, "YOU MONSTER!" Yet Ben still didin't seem to care what I said or that I was even near or saw what he had done.

Kylo tripped his father over sending him down the hole. The girl was clearly crying and screaming as the Wookie shot Kylo sending him to the ground screaming in pain.

I quickly ran over to help him after the others were being shot at. Kylo cought a glimpce of me running over to help him when he force pushed me back into the wall hard enough to knock me out.

That's all I remember from the death of Han Solo...

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