You can Try To Resist Me (20)

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- Chapter 20

For the next few weeks you trained non stop and the demand for perfection became far too much for you, and yet that's all you could think about was getting everything done and becoming stronger and fighting for what you could. "That's it for today," Kylo stopped you, "You can put back your light saber now,"

  You nodded and he came over to you. You blushed as soon as he was just a few feet from you. He was shirtless and you just tried not to look at anything. "You have proven most useful to me (Y/N). But today is finally the day. Star Killer was rebuilt and we leave for it first thing today,"

"Star Killer? Is any of it improved so we don't have another full scale attack that blows the thing up again?" He nodded his head at the question.

"Yes. The General changed the design completely so that it is more efficient and that no one without authorization can get in," He told you about the border all around the main weapon and how it would be impossible for anyone to try and break into such a powerful and heavily built planet. But there was one problem that made things alot harder: during the attack meny people died and the losses were very heavy and there was no chance that the base could survive another full scale attack. "Pack your things, we have no time to waste." 


   (Time Skip) 

  The base was far bigger then you exspected and this was the place that you would spend your time if not the Finilizer. But this place ment that you had a lot more space then the ship that you were staying in, and yet this time you were still sharing a room with Ren.

  But this time the room was alot bigger and the walls where alot thicker and some say that it is sound proof so I could train anywhere if I wanted to. The beds where alot bigger and yours was right across the room from Kylo's and there was a nightstand right in between the two of them. He told you to make yourself comfortable for the time being and that training would begin first thing in the morning. 


  About two months later you were informed that they had found the Rebel Base and that Ren was taking me to the planet as soon as possible. But no one ever told you where you were going and that the mission would be top secret and that no one else is to know and alot of the Storm Troopers where coming with us to the mission. You were more then ready and your constant training paid off greatly that you almost never ever thought about your family on Earth that was all destroyed. 

"Are you ready for this?" Kylo asked you in a low tone; making sure that no one would hear.

"Yes, your guidance has paid off Master. But, what is the worst that could happen there?" Ren took a moment to think. Now that you thought about it was a stupid question and he would give you any answer that he could make to make you feel worse. That was just what Ren was good at. 

"There is alot of things that could happen out there (Y,N). You shouldn't underestimate the enemy, they could get away with doing anything under our radar." He was right, you remembered what happened the last time they attacked, "But remember when your fighting where your loyalties lie," 

  You nodded your head in response as meany of the ships behind you touched the ground and you where all free to fight! You quickly jumped out of the ship and you could already see the blaster fire coming from all directions. Your lightsaber sure made alot of quick work of the blaster shots that you almost felt sorry for them. This time it was real and you knew that Kylo wasn't playing any tricks on you this time, this was real.

  Meany of them were dying in an instant and they started to run away from the fight and retreat. "This isin't worth it they are too powerful!" One of them shrieked before they finally left. Kylo commanded you search the area for more of them and for you to keep your eye out for some information on Luke Skywalker's whereabouts. 

  You walked around their whole 'camp' as this place would have been far too small to hold a bunch of people like that. But one thing cought your eye for sure, a droid. Somone must have forgotten it and looked almost familiar. You decided to take a calm approach to the little ball like droid, "Come here little guy. I'm not going to hurt you," Immediately the droid moved forward as it shocked you and you snapped, screaming and snapping out your lightsaber.

  Kylo heard you from not too far away and he came runing in, "(Y/N) I'll be damned," He pushed you aside and fell to his knees infront of the droid. "You actually found something useful for once,"

  You snickered at his comment, "A simple thank you would be nice. Do you know what it is?"

"Of course you wouldin't know. This is the BB-8 unit that was carrying the map to Luke Skywalker. It us curtain that this droid seen the map and that it is kept in its holo memory." Oh that droid. That's impossible! How could they forget something as important as BB-8 here?

  "Stun him. We are taking this droid back to base, we have what we need (Y/N). You have done well," You nodded and shot the Ray blast at the little droid as Kylo carried it off onto the ship.

  The other knights of Ren didin't say anything. They were always like this and they only spoke to Kylo as he was seen as their leader but you can't help but think that they are jealous of how Kylo is training you more often and how you are force sensitive and all.


  Once you got back to the the Finalizer both Hux and Supreme Leader were very thrilled by your discovery. Kylo still was very quiet but Hux would often speak to you more as the droid was being analyzed. "I'd say that the first order is very lucky to have you working with them rather then against them (Y/N),"

"Thank you General," You smiled politely while walking with him and Kylo down the hall. "I was wondering if you are ever free from your work that you would spend an evening with me?"

  "General I'm flattered but-" Kylo interupted you.

"She's alright, thank you Hux," You always hated how protective Kylo was over you. It is just a damn date, and so what if it's with the most powerful man on the ship?!


"Come (Y/N) I think we should get going," You nodded and Hux passed a look to Kylo that you could only assume that they hated eachother with a passion. 

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