Truth (7)

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- Chapter 7

Leia was still a sobbing mess and she needed all the help she could get."Is there anything that I can do for you to help?" I ask her gently.

"Please bring my baby back! I miss him so much."

I couldn't say a word.

"I know that you know him. You are apart of the First Order arnt you? I know that you are, I saw your lightsaber,"

"Yes," I sigh. "He asked me to call his armys to distroy you and the first order. I'm so sorry for lying to you about everything but my name is really (Y/N). I didn't know that all of this happend."

"I know that you did. You did the right thing telling me. Bring him back to the light as you did yourself. Promise me that you will,"

"I promise, just please. I can't do this on my own! I need help, have the first order distroy Star Killer Base."

"Honey we tryed several times before. Nothing came to use. We can't afford more heavy loses."

"Please you convinced myself to fall into the light and escape the dark. I need your help."

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