Fight For What's Right (24)

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A/N: *Evil laughter* I left you on a cliff hanger! Well since you waited so patiently here it is! The update!


- Chapter 24

Kylo made his presence clear before the rest of you, "Well if it isin't my old master. I'm not suprised to finally found you after all these years,"

Rey gritted her teeth, "Kylo,"

"I'm also supprised that you still remember me scavenger scum."
Kylo remarked as you got up and the rest of the knights followed you, "It's over. You are clearly out numbered,"

"I beg to differ Kylo," Luke used the force to disarm the rest of the knights with the force.

Kylo snarled and attacked him while you took on Rey. She sprung her lightsaber that you saw eirler and now you got to see it close up. Kylo fought without hardly thinking and yet he knew what he was doing when it came to fighting.

Rey didin't stand a chance against (Y/N)'S full power and how she was starting to turn into Kylo; sharing his same rage and determination. (Y/N) was still very strong and learned form Kylo very well and she was quick enough to fight Rey. (Y/N) was able to disarm Rey by slashing her hand with the lightsaber and her saber went flying. "Master Luke!" She screamed as (Y/N) came at her with the saber.

Luke quickly turned and forced the saber to her while he force pushed Kylo away from killing him. Kylo flew into you where you cought him before he fell off but before you could help him up the small ledge that you were standing on gave out and you almost fell, you held onto the ledge as Kylo turned his attention away from you and onto Luke and Rey. "Kylo! Help me!" He didin't care to do anything for you as the rain from the sky was hitting down hard and a lightning bolt hit the island, causing it to shake and you fell off the side screaming as you did it.

The battle was on without you. Kylo wasin't about to risk his life for you just to help you off a fucking ledge. He ended up conering Luke and Rey. The rain bounced off his helmet and Rey shouted, "It's over!"

"It's not! I'm not going anywhere Rey,"

"Kylo! The light pulls to you! Join us and forget the first order!" Luke shouted at him.

"No, I'm not giving up so easily! He started to charge the both of them and they fell off the ledge. Kylo screamed in anger that he lost them and he gathered up all the other knights. "(Y/N) Is dead, we all must be on our way. We have failed and lost one of our own."

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