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I hope you lovely lil' Carrot's enjoy this new book!

Update: The first of this is Hazel's POV, just so you're not confused. I'm starting to do this if it doesn't say 'Someone's' POV' it's Hazel's.


"Hazel Grace Campbell! Your grades have dropped and I've gotten calls from all of your teachers saying that you probably will get held back a year if you don't improve them!" I rolled my eyes.

"Just leave me the hell alone and worry about Naomi for a change!" I yelled out in anger, and frustration giving my mum a sharp glare. She always treated me like this.

"Hazel, you've been acting up quite a lot lately... I know you miss your dad but you need to stop this.." my eyes started to water as I stared quietly at my mum.

I took a deep breath and turned away from her, heading towards the stairs, so I could head up to my bedroom. "God, I can't wait until I'm 18 and can get out of this hell," I mumbled to myself so she couldn't hear me. Then headed upstairs, not one word said to each other for the rest of the night.


// Harry's POV //

There they go again.. Yelling at each other like every other day, when that red head gets out of school. Don't worry, I don't stalk the poor girl. I just overheard on her and her mum yelling at each other from time to time about her grades in school. I mean, it's kinda not hard to hear them screaming at each other when I live right next to them with my mum, and my older sister Gemma.

I'm the same age as Hazel (I heard her mum yell her name) 17. I'm a Senior in high school. And I only have my closest friends Niall, Louis, and Liam. I'm quite shy, and I'm surprised I actually have friends because until the lads moved here, I never talked to anyone and kept to myself.

I love singing.

I write songs all the time with the lads since they also love singing. I mostly have writing sessions with Liam, while the other two: Niall, and Louis write together at Niall's house. But every now and then we write songs together or at least try since when all of us are together it gets quite hectic.

My sister Gemma is 20 and is in University right now, I haven't seen her for 3 months now, but she'll be coming back in July, but since it's April right now, and we have 1 more month of school, I won't be seeing her until after summer is almost over, which sucks.

She goes to the University of Sheffield. I'm really proud of her for going to Uni, but I still miss my big sis from time to time. Even if she sometimes gets on my nerves I still love her. (A/N: Sibling goals, af right now :D)

Right now, I'm upstairs in my room, while my mum is downstairs cooking Dinner, which is tacos, my favourite. I'm trying to finish my maths homework. But I'm struggling a bit.

It's an hour later now, and I finished my homework, right as my mum called me downstairs for dinner. I sighed in relief since my stomach has been growling since I got home from school, about 3 hours ago, since it's now 6:11 pm and I got out of school at 3 pm.

As I headed down the stairs, I couldn't help but think of what Hazel was doing right now. But as I sat down at the table, I put all of those thoughts to the back of my mind and put what toppings I wanted on my taco's.


This first chapter was just an intro to the story, sorry if you didn't like it, or if it was too slow. But just know the first few chapters will be like this, so you have been warned. Welp, I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

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